Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride [3]

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Days turned into weeks since I was kidnapped, and every second seemed to drag. I more often than not found myself sitting on the balcony staring emptily at the forest below. I wondered what it'd be like down there. I'd have begged Selena to go check it out with me, and after much protestation from her end, she'd go with me... or maybe not if she knew what would happen to her. 

She was really gone...

I could've, in theory, ran away but I didn't know where I was or where I'd even go. I'd maybe be in deeper trouble if I went to the police and told them I'd been kidnapped. It would likely get covered up with some sort of 'strange conspiracy' which ended up with me 'missing' again or straight-up dead this time.

There was a knocking sound to my left, and I saw Alexander standing there. It was the first time I'd seen him for around a week. I supposed as a prince he had other duties to attend to.

I could feel his gaze drilling through the side of my skull, but I didn't look in his direction. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the ambience.

I didn't answer his stupid question. I was anything but fine! How could this guy ask me that, like I hadn't been taken against my will, and like I didn't watch my best friend take her last breath? Then I wake up to people claiming to be royalty and vampires another! 

There was a strange crow on the railing of the balcony. It stood sideways so I knew it was staring directly at me. Creepy. It sent shivers down my spine, it seemed as if it knew everything about me, staring daggers right through my soul. They were evil birds, they looked majestic, but any bird that could remember faces and have its little bird friends attack people was demonic. This one was no exception to the rules.

It squawked and hopped along the floor over to Alexander, who then perched it on his lower arm. "This is my message crow. I call him Danzel." He informed me while taking a small rolled up piece of paper from the ankle of the crow, "my friend seems to be having a party in a couple of weeks. News has travelled fast about you."

Again, these people acted like my friend wasn't dead. When was I going to bury her? Could I attend her funeral? I couldn't possibly be thinking about going to a party, not now and not any time soon! I was mourning, and the least they could do was leave me to do that.

Also, a message crow... when the internet exists? What? 

"You're going to need some new clothes."

"Shopping?" I asked incredulously. This was all out of the blue: a party, shopping. I still didn't know these people; I didn't know this place and I was still confused as to what was happening. These people were merrily planning activities for me like I was at a summer camp, as opposed to thinking about the fact that my best friend was dead!

"Well yeah. Unless you want me to choose your clothes?" He said casually.

I shook my head silently, unsure if he was joking or being serious.

The crow was staring at me again. I kept getting the sensation that it was going to gauge my eyes out with its enormous beak. I turned my head away, breaking its hungry gaze.

"Why does that thing keep staring at me?"

"He likes you. Lucky," he chuckled, "otherwise he would've poked your eyes out by now."

I cringed at the thought.

The prince lifted his arm as a signal for the crow to fly off, but he flew straight onto my shoulder and stared directly at me from there instead. I froze up, I didn't trust crows. I was petrified of them. Their beaks were too big for their body proportion. It squawked again and I screamed brushing it away from me.

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