Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride [7]

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A few days later after some much-needed recuperation, I was sitting at breakfast in the castle, I was silent, but this time around, I was eating, and I was sane. I wasn't having any thoughts of Jayden being killed and there was no sign of him at the table.

"So how are you feeling Arianne?" Inquired Charlotte, giving me a warm smile across the table.

"My head hurts a lot..." It was a side effect from having my brain cells deep-fried against my will.

After breakfast, I was wandering down the hallways trying to get my head around everything that happened during the past month or so when I heard a commotion coming from behind one of the doors. It turned out to be Alexander's. I remembered it had a little bat on it.

"What the hell were you thinking Alex? Why would you go so far?" It was Leandra and she sounded furious.

"I just wanted to make sure she didn't go crazy..." Alexander's calm, composed tone contrasted against Leandra's one of exasperation.

"So, you give her electroconvulsive therapy? If I knew you were going to do that, I would've slapped that idiocy out of your stupid little head! I think it's you who needs the therapy."

"Leandra, calm down. Stop yelling at me for Christ's sake!" Alexander snapped back, his anger finally showing itself.

"No! She probably hates your guts right now! I know I most certainly do. ECT? Are you serious right now? Did that sound humane to you? She's human! She could've died if the nurse didn't know how to deal with her type."

"I explained my reasoning and I apologised to her," he responded timidly. I could barely hear what he said through the door.

"You think a little apology is going to cut it? Did that apology the maid said to you, the one who murdered your mother, did that get rid of the hate and anger?"

I heard a slapping noise. One of them had slapped another.

"Don't you dare- don't you ever dare talk about my mother again, do you understand? Do not forget that you work for me and can't talk to me however you want." There was a short pause. "Now get out. I don't want to see you here again."

"That's fine with me."

I didn't move, I didn't even think about moving. Things kind of seemed to pass over my head since I got back. The consequences of eavesdropping weren't even considered at that moment. When Leandra saw me, she didn't react, just nodded curtly and walked straight by me.

Alexander leaned on the door frame. His eyes were a bright crimson. It was strange, usually, his eyes were some form of purple. "Arianne..." he began, "what are you doing listening in?"

I remained silent; I didn't have an excuse.

A heavy sigh came from him as he rolled his eyes, "just go..." He slammed the door in my face, the sound of it reverberated down the hallway.

The next couple of hours I spent sat on my bed, staring at a picture of me and Selena, wondering what crazy thing we'd be doing if she was still here. If I wasn't still here...

Out of nowhere, King Monaghan appeared at my door, and gave me a warm smile, "I realised I haven't spent much time with my soon-to-be daughter-in-law. What's wrong? You look sad."

"Nothing," I responded slowly. I wondered why he suddenly came to visit me, he was usually busy with one thing or another according to virtually everyone in the castle.

"What's that you're looking at?" He came over and eyed the picture in my hand. "Is that the other girl, the one who didn't make it? Your friend, Selena?"

I nodded, keeping my eyes on the picture.

"My sincerest condolences for your loss. Unfortunately, even though I am king, not everything is in my control. However, for my future daughter in law, I will happily pull some strings. I know this transition has been beyond difficult for you, so anything you want, anything you need, just let me know. Yes?"

I snapped my head to look at him, "Anything? Absolutely anything?"

He smiled, "of course. I'm no genie though."

"I never got to say goodbye, and I never got to take any belongings of mine... could I go back and-"

"Yes, why not? I'll have Alexander take you first thing tomorrow."

My heart raced eagerly at the mere thought of being able to go home and just see everyone one last time. I think it was the first time I had smiled in weeks. "Do you mean it?"

"I wouldn't lie about that."

I jumped up and hugged him, I was so happy, a lot happier than I had been in the past few days. The king seemed to be a lot friendlier than his son. This was the best thing that happened since I got here.

I apologised for being so forward, but he seemed to take it on the chin and told me it was fine. He didn't get many hugs these days anyway.

"About Alexander...try to forgive him. He's finding this quite difficult to come to terms with. Just like you, he's still just a kid. Marriage is a daunting concept to him. He also has a hard way of showing his emotions and after the incident with his mother some years ago he retracted back into himself. I need you to understand that he does try his best. It is difficult for him, but believe me, he is trying."

"It doesn't seem like it to me," I retorted folding my arms.

"We've spoken extensively about this, and he has told me about all of the things he wishes to provide for the kingdom with you as his wife. If you would just let him get to know you on a deeper level. He is a kind boy, but he also has his own struggles and I feel you both need to be more open to conversation with one another."

The King seemed eager to put things right between me and Alexander. His son and I didn't exactly hit it off when we first met. But clearly, it was his plan to have his son get married at this age, so why was he suddenly concerned for his wellbeing? Why didn't he just call it off, clearly it wasn't working out. Not with all those girls on his "list" that he went through.

"So why has he never said to my face? After giving me elec-" I was cut off by another voice interjecting.

"I wanted to...but I knew you wouldn't listen." Alexander was leaning against the door frame staring at me, just like that morning after the party, that same look of regret.

How do people at this castle just seem to be in places without me even seeing or hearing them? There's no way someone coming into my room would be something I'd just miss.

"I want you to understand something Alexander. I'm not like I am for no reason. I've had a tough upbringing and everything that led up to me being here has been something I've had an exceptionally hard time trying to come to grips with. "

"Then let me help you. I'm going to marry you; you can trust me. I swear on my life." I itched my arm, unsure of whether to trust him. Alexander huffed and turned his attention to his dad. "You see Father, this-"

"Alright... I'll trust you. You better not break your promise." I pointed a stern finger at him, he had better not make me regret this. It was a step for both of us in the right direction, a very big one.

Alexander looked so relieved and happy. "Thank you."

"Well," announced King Monaghan in a loud voice when I looked towards him, he was chuckling, "this is sorted now. Come on, we have work to do," he said while playfully dragging his son away.

Alexander managed to throw a smile at me on the way out, the first genuine one I can remember, before disappearing out of sight.

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