Our Talk

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As Ray Left i went cryin and sped up to my room my dad seened me and i knew we were gonna have a talk but i really didnt feel like talking uhh

Drake-baby girl whats wrong who did it

me-ray did his sorry ass

drake-well he gonna be sorry once you leave hes gonna relize that he had something special and he gonna regret

me-how is he gonna regret it with thoes other bitches and hoes! i yelled

drake-just calm down just know sweet heart ima be here for you thru anything and i wont let nobody hurt you not my princess

i smiled my dad always knew how to cheer me up that why i love him


that punk wanna sit up here and break my daughter heart hell nahh im finna go to his house and have a talk with him i arrived to that boys house


drake-yo wassup

ray-so whatchu doin here

drake-oh nothing just wanted to see how you and my daughter relationship going

ray-oh yeaa

drake-you know i love mya and i'll hurt them if somebody breaks her heart so try me

ray- i would never do nothing like that!

drake-you better not and i seened mya crying today you better hope she got cut or scrape cuz if her hearts broken im after you

ray-you wont have to worry bout that sir.... uhhh... well i gotta go its gettin late

drake-alright see ya later remeber what i said


damm that was weird and i just lied to mya father shoot oh well


scary ass ... dont mess with me i'll hurt ya but he just lied i shud have confronted his ass right then and therw but ima waitt.... hehehe

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