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name: Coventina ula mesi naida

meaning: ( water goddess ) ( sea jewel ) ( water ) ( water nymph )

age: 14

gender: f

siblings: Pelagia, Kailani, kishi, umiko, cregen

parants: morgann and rio

looks: clear pale skin, waist length black wavy hair, clear icy blue eyes

pets: black cat with bright green eyes.

race: mermaid


name: pelagia cari ria naida

maeanig: dweler of the sea ( flows like the water ) from the rivers mouth ( water nymph )

age: 15

gender: f

siblings: kailani, umiko, cregen,  Coventina

parants: morgann and rio

looks: clear pale skin, mid back blonde wavy hair, clear blue eyes.

pets: non

race: mermaid


name: umiko una marin nebula naida

meaning: child of the sea ( white wave ) of the sea ( misty ) water nymph

age: 10

gender: f

siblings: kailani, cregen, coventina, pelagia

parants: morgann and rio

looks: clear skin, short messy blond hair, clear blue eyes

pets: clown fish named nemo.

race: mermaid


name: kailani mesi cari yoki naida

meaning: sea and sky ( water ) flows like the water ( rain ) water nymph

age: 17

gender: f

siblings: cregen, coventina, pelagia, umiko

parants: morgann and rio

looks: knee length ddirty blond hair, clear skin, clear blue eyes

pets: non

race: mermaid


name: cregen Amadahy naida

meaning: sea shell ( forest water ) water nymph

age: 14

gender: m

siblings: coventina, umiko, pelagia, kailani

parants: morgann and rio

looks: short choppy black hair, clear tan skin, clear blue eyes

pets: non

race: merman


name : morgann torlan naida

meaning: bright sea, ( from the river bank )water nymph

age: 40

gender: f

sibings: non

parants: deceased

looks: waist length wavy blond hair, clear blue eyes, pale clear skin

pets: non

race: mermaid


name: rio itsaso naida

meaning:: river ( sea ) waater nymph

age: 45

gander: m

siblings: non

parants: deceased

looks: short choppy black hair, tan, tall well built, clear icy blue eyes,

pets: non

race: merman

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