chapter 3

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------coventina,s p.o.v

i sit on the beach wondering what to do with my life. the sand slithers in between my toes and sticks there. i smile at the sound of seaguls in the sky. the sun gleams off the water casting a faint rainbow in the sky. the air is damp with mist from the waves. a faint lallaby is heard in the gental breeze.

sigh why is my life about keepingmy secrete hidden and moving around? why cant we just be ourselfs? these thoughts cloud my head. i look around and notice no one in sit. i slowly walk out into the ocean. tingles go up my legs. i look down to see a pear white scaly tail that coers my stomack to just above my chest. my black hair turns snow white with a black streak. a black pawprint forms  on the inside of my wrist. the snake tatto disapears. i smile and swam quite away from shore. i found a peer blue see through rock. i put it in the sea green bag i had. i find a chunk of magenta sea glass and a silver wolf necklace with a black wolf charm that has a silver moon in its mouth. i swim backup to the surface and back onto land. i put my hand over my tail and it turns back into legs

hey coentina!! umiko my sister yells.

hey umi!! i say smiling. your not sopost to be by your self!? i tell her.

well pely and kai were anguing she whispers.

do you mean pelagia and kailani?? i ask. she oves her little blond head up and down. i smile  and stand up.

well shouldent we get going home before mother and father get mad!! i ask her.

ya she whispers.

we get home and i tuck her into bed.

i grab a pair of boxers and a long t-shirt. i walk into the bathroom. i turnn it on and take off my clothing. i stand in the water for a minet or so.

----------------------time skip

i lay in bed slowly drifting of to sleep.

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