The Second Date

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A/N: Ahh I still dont have a banner.. lol but anyway im starting to make all the drafts. I will upload soon gain. anyway enough ramblings of mine.

ENjoy ^_^

Rose watched the man of her dreams as he walks down a store. Many would assume he was handsome and mouth watery type man but not for Rose. He was the very man in her dreams indeed. Her every night nightmares, the murder of her father and the cold green eyes which has been implanted on her memories forever .

He picked out some sweets. It made Rose frown as she was following the very man who murders on a heartbeat brought sweets and a happy smile. Never in her wildest dream that she imagined him to have expression and emotion. She had always picture out that he would slit someone's throat for daily basis. She would never pictured out him smiling happily while holding a sweet and seemed to be looking forward to something.

He left the store after he payed and went in for his car. He doesn't even notice that Rose has been watching him in such a close distance. This gave Rose more confidence that she surpassed him already and she can have her revenge now. When he opened the doors of his car someone jump from inside tackling him. Then another one came from the other door also tackling him. He fell to the floor for being surprised. Rose was shocked as she thought someone was stealing her prey.

She drew her gun hidden her long black hair which she usually let fall freely. She approached them with care and stealth, watching every corner while hearing some high pitch voices from the car. She was not sure what happened because the full view was blocked by another car parked before his car.

As she close in she frowned as she heard giggling and laughter from the very car. She peeked a little and saw two adorable female children which she assumed to be twins. They were on the ground laughing and playing.

The sight did not melt her heart at all and made the opposite.

"Shit! You kill someone everyday while you enjoy this happy life and steal happiness to others.." she said to herself mentally as she pull backwards to gain some distance again.

She continued to watch and listen to them as they played a little more for a few more seconds until he picked them up. One person for every arm as they flung their arms on his neck while grinning and smiling. Seeing this really upsets Rose. She was thinking how this man was playing a double life. Being a good father and a murderer at the same time. She walked away from them as she deem it that she would not be able to execute him and her plans for now. She looked one more time to them as they enter his car. A tear escaped from her eyes. It had been years since she cried. She thought to herself, she could already have a happy family like that if that man didn't entered her life that night. It was not a tear of happiness or some sort. It was tear out of pure hatred and resentment towards that man.

She went out the area and headed for own car. She walked as if there were no people in her way at all. She was looking forward but she was in a daze. People was not bumping to her though. Everybody got out of her way. Even others can feel her dangerous aura she was wearing right now

even though her beauty is top-notched and was well dressed with a blue beautiful dress which hugged her body showing her perfectly fitted body. She was dead gorgeous and her brown captivating eyes along her long black hair was an envy to every female there is. She have all the quality to have anything at all. Money, a lover, family, great friends but she don't have any of that except money.

Her lover was a shot gun hidden on her car, her family was a bunch of nasty assassins, her friends were her collection of different guns held in her house. That was how her life differ from everyone.

She turned around the corner and went to her own car. She jump at her black elegant Mercedes Bench. A monster engine's roar brought the car to life as she squeeze the the gas hard with out releasing the holds. She screamed her guts out inside her car out of frustration . The roar of the monstrous car made her screams not available for the passing crowds. She continued to do so for a few more minutes until she noticed a security guard was approaching her way. She released the neutral and pumped up the gas and went out the parking lot fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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