Beauty and the Beast (Larry Stylinson)

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"I don't think we should do this," Stan warned me softly, a small plead for me to listen to him. I just looked at him with mischief in my eyes and a teasing tone to my voice as I replied, "Are you too scared, Stan?"

"No! I just . . . you know the rumors. You know that he lives in there."

I snorted at his words. The big and old mansion looked creepy, sure, but I knew that there was no way that anyone could possibly live here anymore. The poor building looked like it was falling apart! There was no way that he could live here for that long with the mansion being in that condition. He probably abandoned the mansion awhile ago, and nobody even noticed.

"Come on, Stan. The Beast won't come, now suck it up."

The Beast. Two words that can make children shrink back in fear and promise to behave. Two words that parents told their kids in a twisted tale that was passed down from generation to generation. Words that usually had "I'm not scared of" in front of it when spoken by a teen putting on a brave face.

The tale was that a man lived in that spooky old mansion. He was alone, looking at his few servants to attend to his needs. But other than that, he just stayed alone. Legend has it that the man in there is cursed. Every night he turns into a beast until he finds his true love, or some sappy shit like that. Apparently he hasn't found his true love, because the Beast hasn't been seen yet.

I, for one, wasn't scared of such beast. I believed that it was only some little made up thing that people told their kids so they'd behave. "Act right, or else the Beast will get you!" That threat never worked on me, as I just puffed up my chest and told everyone that the Beast didn't scare me. I'm eighteen now, and my amount of courage to face off with this so called Beast, if he was real. Louis Tomlinson was a tough guy who would not be brought to his knees by a creature like that.

So here I was, standing in front of the rusty iron gates that led to the mansion at midnight. I was ready to prove to all of these idiots that there was no Beast living there. Out of all of my friends, Stan was brave enough to come here with me. But apparently now he had a change in heart. Here he was, looking at me with fear in his eyes.

"No, Louis. I'm not going I there, and you better not, either. He's in there. You cold get hurt, or even killed."

I just took a moment to look at my friend before saying slowly, "I'm going, Stan. If you're not, then fine. I'll go alone."

He just watched me as I hopped over the fence. Some friend he is. I mean, you would think he'd just suck it up and come with me.

"Last chance, Stan."

"I'm not coming with you, Louis. I'll just, um . . . wait here."

With one last shrug of my shoulders, I turned and started jogging up the path that lead to the mansion. It was all cracked and there were weeds growing. This place really needed a housekeeper. God, when was the last time this  path was repaved? The stone age?

From somewhere on a tree a owl of some sort hooted loudly, making me jump. My head whipped around as I tired to find the damned winged creature, but I found nothing.

"Damnit Louis," I mumbled to myself sourly. "Don't be such a pansy. It was just a wee little bird."

So I continued up the path until I was at the doorstep of the large mansion. It looked even more damaged then usual if that was possible. All of the white paint was chipped and peeling, and the moon's glow made it look even creepier.

You know how people in horror books and movies get that little feeling? A chill runs down your spine and then you can feel eyes on you? Well, I had that feeling right now. It both scared the shit out of me and made me try and turn around.

I didn't have the chance to see my attacker or try and defend myself before something was wrapped around my eyes that made it impossible to see what was going on. Quickly something else pressed against my mouth as well. Then my eyes fluttered closed as I fell into a deep sleep.


So I started this for twitter user @smutlinson. Julia, I love your account :3 This is also a mix of Beastly, and I have a good feeling about this (9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii000000000000000kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy9oi (I was gonna type some more, but then my kitty kinda stepped on the keyboard. So I think I'll just leave it at this)

Beauty and the Beast (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now