"What's Wrong, Stranger? Cat got Your Tongue?"

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I shot up like a rocket as soon as I heard the voice. My heart began thumping wildly and my eyes connected with a pair of green ones. He was standing there, a tall figure in the doorway that was looking at me. A small smirk was playing on his lips, showing me that he was amused to some degree. But I could basically feel the power emitting off of him. That's what made me a bit fearful of this being in front of me.

"Hello stranger, I'm Harry." His smirk grew wider. "Or the Beast, if that's what you'd like to call me. I know everybody else does where you come from. And if I may ask, who are you?"

Say something! My mind screamed at me, making my mouth move. But my vocal chords weren't agreeing, making me look like a fish out of water. To say that I was overwhelmed was an understatement. I guess a part of me was having trouble comprehending the fact that this was the Beast. There were so many rumors of how he looked, but they weren't even close. This beast was dark and ... beautiful. Like someone you'd find in an old painting. Stunningly gorgeous.

"What's wrong, stranger? Cat got your tongue?"

That voice. So deep and nice. Nice, like the curls resting on his head. Or the way his shirt clung to his torso.

He lifted his eyebrows in question when he realized I was checking him out, and I never looked down so fast. A blush immediately started working it's way on my cheeks. I knew that I was openly gay, but others didn't know that and I didn't want this guy, Harry, to be creeped out. Especially now that I'm in his territory. He could kill me or something!

"You're not gonna kill me, right?" I blurted out without thinking. Even more embarrassed, I looked up to see him right in front of my face, crouching down so we were level. It was intimidating to say the least.

"Hmm, I don't know I might," he said with a straight face. Then he must've seen the terror in my eyes because he laughed a few seconds later. "I'm joking, stranger. I'd never kill a human as beautiful as you."

My heart skipped a beat as I realized what he said. He just called me beautiful.

Before I could stammer out any sort of reply he was getting up and leaving, his long legs making strides towards the door. As he was about to walk out he turned to me with that smirk on his lips.

"Hope you enjoy your stay, stranger."


I suppose now would be a good time to tell you guys that I don't really know if this is going to follow the line of the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast because:

1.You'd basically know the outcome

2. I've only watched that movie once and I was too young to really know what was going on.

Sorry if I disappointed any of you, I didn't mean to. I didn't think this many people would start reading this and I was like, "oh shit." And also, sorry for the short chapters. I just wanted a chapter with just Harry before the other boys come in again. (:

Dedicated to EpicLouLou for guessing correctly :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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