Part 5

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At the Graduation

Josh had left Jenifer to hang out with some of the guys so Jenifer went looking for some of her friends which led her all the way to the far corner where two girls were standing.

“Did you hear about Josh Isaac only going out with that chick Jenifer only to break her heart and be popular enough to be on the football team again?”

“Oh my gosh! Yes! Jenifer is going to regret coming here tonight because it’s obvious that she’ll go home in tears.”

Jenifer stood back shock after hearing what the two girls were saying about her and Josh. Could he really be just using her? Will she really go home in tears after Josh breaks up with her? Or is this all just another stupid rumour someone has made to break Josh and her up.

There was only one way to find out and Jenifer was going to see to it straight away.

Jenifer walked straight over to where Josh and a few of the other boys in their grade were standing and chatting. Once she reached them she had tapped on Josh’s shoulder and said that she needed to speak with him outside for a minute.

Jenifer walked out first standing arms cross under the arch, feeling confused and very upset; trying to hold back the tears as much as she could. Josh followed her out also feeling confused and wondering what was wrong.

“What’s up?” Josh said breaking the awkward silence between them both.

“What’s up, WHAT’S UP!! You know what’s up don’t you?”

“No I don’t Jen; you have to tell me what’s wrong. I can’t read minds you know.” Josh said walking up beside Jenifer to give her comfort.

“What the two girls said about you breaking up with me after tonight, is that........ is that t....r....u...e?” Jenifer tried to say feeling tears stream down her face.

“Jen, what are you talking about. I would never do such a thing.” Josh said walking up giving Jenifer a hug.

“You know I love you and I always will.” Josh whispered into Jenifer’s ear still hugging her, trying to calm her down.

“Yeah I know, I guess I just overreacted a bit there I'm sorry.” Jenifer said stepping back to wipe away her tears.

“It’s ok Jen, and don’t worry about those girls, it’s most likely just another stupid rumour they’re spreading around.”

“Hmmm, yeah your most probably right.”

“I love you, Jen and I always will.”

“I love you too, Josh.”

“Let’s go back inside we have a graduation to celebrate.” Josh said feeling a lot calmer and happier.


And at that they both held hands and walked back into the hall. 

Happy Ready =)

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