jack g

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This is for you Victoria❤❤

It's around 2:37 am and you were woken up from noises next to you.
It was jack
You could hear him make moaning sounds .not in like a pleasurable way
He looked sad.
"Victoria..I need you..don't go"
You were shocked by what he said and quickly woke him up
"Jack wake up whats wrong!"
When his eyes shot open they were filled with tears that he was trying to hold in and he quickly reached out and hugged you.
"Did you have a bad dream jack"
He pulled away from the hug and looked you in the eyes oh how he loved your brown eyes.
"The worst dream of my life"
He reached forword and kissed you hard and passionately.
You kisses him back wondering why now! It's 2 am!!
You pulled away
"Jack why now its too early" he pulled back and had a sad look on his face and said
" babe I had a dream that you left me for some other guy and you said you would be better off with him instead of me.."you could see the tears forming in his eyes again and quickly pulled back into the kiss and now you were the one missing him hard and passionately.
Be placed his hands on your lower hip pulling you on top of him.
You let his hands rome your body.
He pulled back for a little to take off your shirt and shorts just leaving you in your underwear (cause who wears a bra while sleeping lol)
You start to dry hump him and you can hear the small moans ascaping jacks mouth
He's running his hands up and down your hips and before you know it you
There will be a part 2
And I'm going to do a one on Matt after.

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