Chapter 7

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Hey guys, so sorry this chapter kinda sucks. Its a filler chapter until I have more time to write. So please just vote, comment, and share. And let me know what you think. Thanks! Enjoy (:

Me and Niall both sat down on the couch. I was on the edge, with Niall next to me, Liam next to Niall, and Louis next to Liam. Zayn and Harry both sat in the chairs next to the couch. Once we were all ready Louis started the movie.



We were half way through the movie. So far I only jumped once. The guys all laughed at me for acting like such a girl. Right now the movie is at the part where Daniel Radcliffe was in one of the rooms in the house. He goes to look over at the window. He goes to put his hand on the window. A face pops up. I screamed plus jumped. I ended up burying my head into Niall’s chest. When I screamed I caused two of the boys to scream. I’m not sure which one but it was pretty funny. I finally moved my head away from Niall’s chest and began to laugh.

“I’m sorry guys” I said laughing

“It’s okay” They all reassured me

“It was actually pretty funny, you made Harry and Lou scream, when you screamed” Zayn said

“So that’s who screamed” I said looking over at Harry and then Lou

“Sorry Lou and Harry”

“Its fine” Harry said

“Ya its okay Jess” Louis said

“Oh and sorry Niall about practically jumping into your lap” I said, but I felt my cheeks start to heat up

“Aww, look she’s blushing” Liam practically yelled to everyone

“Look. Niall is too” Louis said pointing at Niall’s cheeks which were probably as red as mine at the moment.

“It’s okay Jess, it was just a reflex” Niall said trying to make me blush less

“Don’t worry Jess, Niall probably enjoyed it” Zayn said with a smirk

“Whatever let’s just finish the movie” I said trying to change the subject

“Good idea” Harry said


About an hour later the movie ended and we all just sat around talking because none of us were tired yet. Which was a surprise because it was 12:20.

“So when do you guys go back on tour?”

“In about 3 weeks. “ Liam replied

“When do you go back to Uni?” Zayn asked me

“I think in 4 weeks.”

“Here give me your number so we can stay in touch.” Niall said handing me his Iphone

“Okay, you put yours in mine too” I said trading phones with Niall

“How about we all just give you our number so we can all keep in touch” Zayn said getting his phone out of his back pocket

“Okay, that’s a good idea”

“Hey Jess” Louis said looking up from putting his number in my phone


“You said you go back to Uni about a week after we start tour, right?”

“Umm, ya. Why?”

“Well, maybe you could go with us on tour for that week.” Louis looked to me with an unsure look.

“I would love too, but…”

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