Chapter 11

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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated. My last day of school was yesterday :). This is a filler chapter and nothing big really happens. I'm sorry if anything is confusing and if their is any errors. I was super tired while writing this but I got asked by a few people to update so here it is. What are you guys doing for summer? Comment and let me know. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, Comment, Vote, and share and let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions. Enjoy this chapter :)

Harry stopped tickling me and grabbed the remote and pushed play while I was recovering from the tickling attack a few seconds before. I finally got up and back on the couch and lay back down with my head in Harry’s lap and we watched Bambi.



We were half way through Bambi and I was about to fall asleep I was so tired. I adjusted my position to make me more comfortable. Harry was almost asleep too. You could see his eyelids slowly get heavier and heavier. Harry adjusted his position to make himself more comfortable too.

Then all of a sudden my phone rings and I almost jump across the room it startled me so bad. Harry jumped a little bit too. My ring tone was the one and only Bruno Mars song Locked Out Of Heaven. This is the ring tone for my family and a few friends.

I pick up my phone and answer it.

“Hey” I said into the phone only about half awake

“Hey Jess, I just wanted to call again since earlier you were busy.” My mom said in the phone happily

“Sorry mom but could you call tomorrow I’m in the middle of a movie” I informed my mom feeling bad that I couldn’t really talk long.

After I said this I felt a tap on my solder and turned around to see Harry.

“what” I mouthed/ whispered

“You can talk to your mom if you want to for a little bit, I’ll just make us some popcorn” Harry told me

“Are you sure?” I asked still partially whispering/ mouthing

“Yeah its fine” Harry reassured me with a smile

“Okay ill try to make it quick, promise”

I walked into the other room to talk to my mom who was still on the phone

“Actually mom I can talk for a little bit. What’s up?” I ask

“Okay and not much. Who was that you were talking to?”

“Oh no one” I told her not wanting her making a huge deal of me and Harry hanging out

“Come on Jess, I heard you talking to someone. Who was it?” ugh! My mom can be just a stubborn as me and I know she won’t leave me alone about this until I tell her. So at some point I’ll have to. Might as well get it over with.

“Fine, it was Harry:”

“So you did forgive him?” my mom practically yelled into the phone excited

“No mom. He needed to get away from the guys so he asked if he could come over here and hang out. I told him yes so we just decided to have a Disney movie marathon.”

“Awww, like old times. How cute.” My mom squealed on the other line

“No mom” I told her a little annoyed

“Whatever, well since you are with Harry I’ll let you get back to your movie.”

“Thanks” I told her just wanting to get off the phone before she makes this into a bigger deal then it needs to be.

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