Chapter 12 (original version)

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Cody's jaw twitched as he clenched his teeth together, trying to control himself.

“Don't,” I whispered calmly, even though I wish he would kill him. “It's not worth it.” I didn't want that on Cody's conscience.

“You don't understand,” Cody said fiercly, turning to face me. His eyes locked with mine. “I fucking hate him.”

“Does this have to do with your mother?” I asked carefully, not wanting to push his buttons.

He sighed. “Yes, and you too Desi,” He unclenched his fist and laced his fingers with mine. My heart skipped at beat as he said my name, but I focused myself on finding out about his mom.

“What happened with her?” I stepped closer to him, letting him know that I was here for him.

Cody hesitated then said, “She left my dad for that scumbag.” Anger struck across his features. “While Rich was in Iraq she had Durbin over to the house almost every night.” He let go of one of my hands and brought it to his forehead like he had a headache. “I could hear them having sex, knowing that my dad was out there risking his life everyday.”

I accidentally let out a gasp and Cody took his hand away from his face, looking at me again. “Oh, that's not even the worst part.” He rolled his eyes. “When Rich came back from Iraq wounded, my mom tried to act like there was nothing going on. She was at the hospital everyday and went with him to his rehabilitation classes. I couldn't stand all of the lies and deceit so I spent time away. When my dad finally asked me what was wrong, I couldn't help it, I had to tell him.”

“Oh no,” I whispered bringing my hand to his cheek. Cody reached up and held onto it.

“Even after she left him he still carried her picture with him in his back pocket,” He half-smiled at the thought. “It's probably still in there right now. He loved her unconditionally.”

My eyes teared up as I remembered Rich pulling the picture out of his pocket and kissing it in the cellar. I blinked them away before Cody could see and stepped in close to him, wrapping my arms around his back. I felt his arms wrap around me and he laid his head against the top of mine, taking deep breaths.

“Where is she now?” I asked with my ear against his chest.

“She died a couple of years ago from cancer,” Cody said trying to will the emotion out of his voice. “Rich was devastated, but Durbin didn't even shed a tear at her funeral.” My heart filled with rage and I understood Cody's hatred towards the despicable man. “Even though she ruined our family. I still loved her, and miss her.” Cody's arms wound tighter around me and I felt a tear drip onto my head.

I let go and looked up at his glossy eyes, wiping the tear track away with my thumb. “Thanks,” He managed a smile at me.

“Do you think they'll let us walk to the bathrooms alone?” I asked hopefully. “I really have to go, but I don't want to have to even look at Durbin.”

“We don't need to ask them,” Cody answered as he started walking. “I think we can handle it.”

Cody picked up his bat and my chair leg from the floor, handing it to me. “Just in case,” He said.

As we walked I could tell Cody was deciding whether or not to say something to me. He kept opening his mouth to speak but then snapped it shut with a shake of his head.

“Will you just say it already?” I asked, putting my empty hand on my hip.

Cody looked startled. “Um, yeah.” He still hesitated, but then spoke again. “What were your parents like?”

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