(3) Savior

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Adriana's sudden cry brings me back down to earth. I pick the tiny piece of glass out of my foot and rise, barely wincing from all of the adrenaline. Glancing down at Julie's body, I debate whether or not to take the knife out of her eye and take it with me. Afraid that she will magically wake up, like a zombie or something, I turn around and grab a new knife from the block. Disappointment fills me when I notice that my new knife was a little shorter.

Dread grows thick inside of me as I circle around to the wooden staircase, my eyes trailing up the steps, taking in the tiny bloody footprints. I creep cautiously up the stairs, only the balls of my feet touching each step. One of my hands grips the railing as I tip-toe. The other holds on tight to the knife in case my trembling fingers fault me.

As I get closer to the top, I see the bathroom door that Adriana is holed up behind. The bathroom has two doors--one leading to the opening of the staircase and the other linking to Adriana's bedroom. Blocking my way to the door is Adriana's little brother, Landon.

Landon's back is to me, his height reaching a little over halfway up the door. His arms stretch out above him, his fingernails digging into the wood as he claws the barrier between him and his prey--his sister. Scratches cover the door, blood trailing each line. A chill sweeps up my spine as my face grows cold.

I hold the knife above my head as I take the last step on the staircase, ready to defend myself if Landon were to turn around and attack me. He is wearing his Buzz Lightyear pajamas, tugging at my heart. I bring my knife back down to my side, almost dropping it with how loose my grip became. Even if Landon were to turn around and try to eat me, I could not, would not, hurt this child.

Glancing up at the wall, I see a picture of Landon, kneeling on summer grass with a huge smile on his face, hugging his yellow Labrador, Chester. More pictures surrounding this one captures moments of Adriana and I's graduation ceremony, Julie and Rodger's wedding, a family photo of the four in matching sweaters and Chester's fake reindeer antlers tied around his head. If Rodger hadn't died of cancer, would he have been able to protect his family? I stand there and wonder how many families have been torn apart this morning.

I couldn't stab a child in the back, but I still have to get him away from the door. On pure impulse, I throw my knife as far as I can down the hallway, cringing as it clangs loudly against the far wall and falls to the floor.

Landon's head snaps to the side, revealing his profile, blood caked around his jaw and mouth. Maybe Julie's bite-marks came from Landon. I freeze, holding my breath, waiting for him to see me out of his peripherals. Letting out a snarl, Landon lurches down the hallway, searching for the source of the noise.

The moment he clears the way, I quickly sneak into Adriana's bedroom and go to the connecting bathroom door. I try for the doorknob. Locked. Pressing the side of my face against the door, I whisper into the crack.

"Adriana," I say, keeping my eye on the doorway. "It's Desi. Open the door."

I hear a whimper, some scrambling on the floor and then the door opens. Adriana stands there, her dark chocolate hair tangled and falling out of the loose bun on the top of her head. Her sweatpants are covered with finger-strokes of blood like she had wiped her messy hands on them. Her eyes are wide and filled with terror--her chin quivering as she takes me in, looking even more scared than she was before.

I gaze down at myself, the ends of my long hair soaked in blood from falling in my kitchen. Blood is smeared all over my white shirt. My left arm and hand are completely covered in crimson from Julie. I am drenched in blood in comparison to Adriana.

"Where's Landon?" she whispers, holding onto the door like she might slam it back shut. "Did you-"

"No," I answer, knowing what she was about to ask. "I didn't kill him. He's distracted." I eye Adriana. She looks like she is about to lose it, her whole body shaking, her eyes glittering with fear. Why don't I feel like that? What is wrong with me? "We have to get out of here. Now."

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