ABC Challenge ^~^

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I was nominated by my amazing bus buddy, Haha-No_4 to do the 'ABC Challenge.' So I'm basically using 26 letters to describe me. Let's see what my human brain can come up with.

A - Awkward. I am honestly the most awkward person you can meet. No matter what situation, if I'm there, I'm sure to make it uncomfortable and well, awkward. xD.

B - Boring. I don't understand why I have any friends xD I always feel I'm super boring, but hey, that's not my problem xD

C - Chocolate. Chocolate is 99.9% of what I've ever eaten. Imagine an insanely fabulous person, who just looks so delicious. If you didn't imagine chocolate, then you're just plain weird xDD.

D - Dicks. No reason why...that's just the only thing I could think of xD.

E - Eating. Why is 'E' always the hardest to think of? Anyway, if eating was a competitive sport, I'd be in the 2015 Eating Olympics xD.

F - Fabulous. I've had an obsession with that word lately, so I'm just fabulous.
Bish I is so fabulous *flips weave*

G - Gaming. As most of my people here on wattpad know, gaming is literally the most amazing thing on this planet. Especially when one of the gamers is a hot Canasian xD

H - Help. Whenever I see someone who's down, Internet or real life, I always ask them if they're okay. I hate seeing people down, even if they're complete strangers. I know what it's like to feel completely alone, or trapped.
Some people have nobody to talk to about their problems, like I do. I always offer to help, and I give them some advice.

I - Innuendos. I love making hilarious dirty jokes, or 'innuendos'. In school, I have this friend who's really small for our grade, and my friend Evalyn and I make fun of his dick size xD He loves us to death though xDD

J - Jealous. I get jealous really easily. Trust me, I'm not proud of it. But it's just something that I can't help I guess ;-;

K - Kissing. Hah never done it and it probably won't ever happen xD (Idea from Haha-No_4 XD)

L - Linkin Park. This has honestly been my favourite band since probably 2009. I have all their albums, and I've been listening to every song they've created, hoping to have the chance go to a concert.

M - MovieStarPlanet. I know, I know. 'Isn't that game for little kids?' Yesh, but it's addicting oml. I look so fab on it too xD that game has been taking over my life. My user - lestey5203

N - Night. I love the dark. The way the sky can go from being so bright to almost black in a few hours. The way the city lights up when you look at it from afar. It's just so amusing.

O - Orchestra. Yass I'm an orchestra nerd c: I play the violin, and I'm in my schools honor orchestra.

P - People-Person. I seem to get along with people I meet. Don't ask me how, ask the people I get along with xD

Q - Quirky. Don't know how to explain it...Talk to me and you'll see what I mean xD

R - Ridiculous. Refer to letter 'Q' xD

S - Sleepy. This one's kinda funny actually. I hate going to sleep, but when I do, I never want to wake up xD

T - twenty øne piløts. This is my other favourite band. I've been listening to their stuff lately, Polarize is my current favourite right now xD

U - Unicorns. Unicorns are real. Bitch don't kill my vibes. I also mentioned this in my bio on wattpad xD

V - VanossGaming. The other day, (yesterday) I was in the car, watching his newest video. I was smiling and laughing the entire time. Evan brightens my day xD

W - Winiladd. (Had to xD)

X - xD. Don't ask. I just prefer xD over 😂 xD

Y - Yass. Ahh, I love that word.

Z - Zee End C: Pretty self explanatory xD

I nominate for dis challenge, senpais
Puerto_Ricochet TheAverageJoe aaaand prettyFrerard

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