Human Heater

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The Three Muskateers

Chapter 5

Human Heater

Winter, ahh...everybody loves the cold slick ice and frost; hello November and goodbye September. In Maine when it hit winter we had to wear big snow suits that were like blown up overalls, you then had a big coat, mittens, hat, scarf and snow shoes, even that equipment didn't pacify the cold.

Once I woke up to get ready for school my brother and I sat on the couch while my mother did everything. She grabbed our clothes and then my brother and I would go hide behind each end of the couch and change. I got my sweater, mittens, hat, scarf and then snow pants and put them on. My brother did so to; after we got dressed we grabbed our stuff, put our snow coats on and then went down the driveway to the bus.

We were like giant blown up balloons but it didn't seem as cold as it did in Maine. Once we got on the bus I sat in the back seat to the right where the heater was. Every morning since I didn't have music I would listen to the radio my bus driver had playing. I always lock the same guys name I remembered a few weeks back in my head. It was like a sports broadcasts and they guys name I remembered was the host, some days he was sick and if they didn't say his name to broadcast then it would be a bad day, if he was there to broadcast then hooray!

I then waited the hour long bus drive and got to school, I got off and headed to the second grade section of the gym. All the kids were staring at me, my brother was in the lunch room eating breakfast; I don't eat the school breakfast so I always head to the gym.

As I said, once I got in all eyes were on me, I was the Cinderella to the ball party except for in this case I don't have a pretty dress I have a giant snow suit that makes me look like a marshmallow. Once I got to Hunter she laughed her guts out and pretended as if I were Fat Bastard. Don't worry, we don't say bastard, we just call him 'fat guy', I didn't even know that word at the time.

"Haha, what are you wearing?" She started snorting as she laughed.

"What!? It's a snow suit to keep me warm from the cold." I remarked puzzled at how it was so funny. Back where I lived this was the shit, having a big ass suit to keep you warm like a heater was cool.

I didn't care about anybodys opinions on the suit because as they say the older you get the more self conscious you get about yourself. That's why when you a toddler you could go skinny dipping and not give two fucks.

After class it was our first recess of they day, by now I had the suit off because I was sweating like a fat guy in a sauna. As all the kid started getting their coats on I was trying to just get my snow pants on. I was baffled at how they had small winter coats, aren't they going to freeze?

I got on all the gear and even decided to pull out my winter earmuffs that were Dora themed. I put them on as I walked out with Hunter, once we made it out to the playground a group of third graders approached us.

"You must be Allie?" She smiled as she stood with her arms in her coat because she was cold; she had two girls with her, probably her friends.She was beautiful, long brown hair and wonderful hazel eyes.

"Haha, yeah that's me." I looked at her baffled at why a popular girl would talk to me. She walked over and hugged me tightly. "Nice to meet you Allie." She then pulled off and smiled.

She looked at me confused. "Woah, you're are you so warm?" she then latched on to my like leach.

"I'm not sure, it must be the suit." She giggled as her friends latched on to my other arm. I looked back at Hunter and saw her frowning. The girls started walking forward and I was pulled along with them. We made our way to the popular group and next thing I knew I was cool.

As next recess came along I started getting my gear on, my gear was so heavy and warm that when I was outside the temperature didn't change, it was as if I were still in the classroom. Hunter look at me as I got ready for recess. "Are you really going to leave me again for the popular people?"

I then looked at my boots and started tying them. "No, I promise." I looked at her as she smiled and then we went outside. Once we got outside we headed to the castle with Tica and Taco, I sat by the tetherball pole with Hunter. "So, what do you want to do today?" I looked over putting all my focus to her.

"I'm not sure, what if we resume what we did yesterday?" She smiled then stood up.

I smiled back and got on my feet and as soon as I did the girls from last recess came around the corner. "Allie!" They screamed obnoxious while running towards me. I smiled as if I cared about them and there annoying non-stop fangirling which is probably pitty.

They took me over to the group I was at last recess, again I had abandoned Hunter when I told her I wouldn't. I didn't want to go over to the group but I did at the same time. In my head this wasn't my fault I was being taken away but in reality I could of said no and hung out with Hunter; so she had a right to be mad and sad.

The popular people started calling me their Human Heater, I just went along with it but personally I missed my friend, I missed her beautiful smile and laugh; I just wish I had the guts to deny them and go to Hunter, but it's still all my fault.

Hey Fellow Wanderers I hope you liked this chapter and vote because I do vote for vote, follow for follow and even comment for comment. Love you all! XOXO ~t3llatal3

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