1. Maya Ryder

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Maya Ryder

                     Maya kept her gaze trained straight ahead, watching as her father’s soon to be third wife said the deadly vow. She was well aware of the nicely dressed guy beside her, it didn’t exactly help that he smelled amazing. Woodsy, but clean, and she loved clean.

The reason as to why she would sit at in the back row at her own fathers wedding was because frankly, she just didn’t like being the center of attention. Some may say that’s stupid considering it was her father, but Maya seemed to think it’s pretty reasonable. Why did she have to sit and be looked at when another marriage would happen again in a year or two.

Then, out of the corner of her eye ,Maya spotted the guys leg jiggling up and down, she couldn’t stand leg jigglers.

Placing a nice and what was hoped to be as friendly smile on her face, Maya turned to the guy and poked him in the shoulder.

He turned his head of golden brown hair in her direction, and eyebrow raised in question. “Yes?” he drawled.

Was there a sexier voice on the planet? Maya felt herself gulp the lump that had formed in her throat, and fought against the blush that was sneaking onto her face. “Do you think you could stop jiggling your leg?”

The guy let out a soft chuckle, and started bouncing his leg faster. A slight growl escaped her lips and before she knew what was going on, her hand was on his thigh and he was staring at her hand shocked. Maya felt her heart throw itself at her chest and although she was freaking out on the inside because she had just invaded a total strangers very personal bubble, she kept a calm expression on her face.

She released her grip from his thigh, and immediately her heart stopped trying to get out of her chest, although it seemed it would resort to climbing into cannon and shooting itself out of her chest.

A small smile graced his lips, as he looked at her. Maya felt her heart die in her chest as she met his dark evergreen gaze. She blinked a few times as if she were looking into a bright light then ad turned to look up at the front again, her light brown hair already falling like a curtain between them. “Thank you.” She murmured to him.

For a few moments Maya paid attention to the ceremony, but then she felt myself cave, and peek out from behind her curtain.

He was looking straight ahead, though his gaze occasionally fluttered towards her. He was no doubt one of the hottest guys Maya had ever seen. His thick blond hair was cut short and he had such a nice strong jaw that Maya felt herself blush at the thought of touching it. She didn’t think she had ever seen such a nice, straight jaw. Between his deep green eyes was a nice straight nose, and his cheeks were slightly flushed from being in his suit in such a warm church. Beside him there was another girl, though they didn’t seem to know each other so that ruled her out as his girlfriend.

“And now you may kiss the bride.” The priest announced.

Maya looked back up at the front and watched the end of the ceremony.

By the time Maya emerged from hiding in the bathroom, not wanting to give a speech, the reception had already started.

She looked over to the head table and immediately recognized her new step mother’s ugly dress, but her father was nowhere in sight. Maya eyed the empty seat beside her new step mom and groaned. Her long auburn coloured hair was piled on the top of her head as an attempt to copy one of the hairdos that the mannequin in the wedding shop had been sporting. Although the hair on the mannequin had been pretty, her rat’s nest surely wasn’t.

Wife number three was a nice lady, had a dog and a daughter a little older than Maya, but they didn’t really bother with the conversation. Maya thought her name was Amber, but she still referred to her as wife number three, though wouldn’t dare to her face--at least not purposely.

Glancing around, Maya spotted wife number two’s son Michael, whom she had been able to become friends with. Beside him was a vacant seat. Michael was about to become her new best friend. Unfortunately, some blond girl was already making her way to the empty seat, probably to talk to him herself. Lurching her body forward, Maya was able to almost make it to the seat without causing too much distraction. She sped her speed walk up a little bit, not looking where she was going, her gaze only directed onto the lone seat, probably why she didn’t see him.

Maya was about a mere metre away when the next thing she knew, she was sitting with her ass on the ground, and some clear liquid spilt all over her exposed neck and arms. Maya looked up and was startled to find the guy from earlier standing above her, a grim look on his face. Despite his look he offered a large square hand down to Maya, which she took. When she was right on my feet she looked round and noticed that everyone was staring at them. Maya smiled nicely, gripping the guy’s hand and tugging him away from the dinner area, ignoring the shots of electricity that bounced through her.She dragged him around the corner of the church before turning around and apologising. “Sorry, Leg Jiggler. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

He looked taken aback, “Leg Jiggler?”

“Yeah, ‘cause you,” Maya paused demonstrating bouncing her leg up and down, “Jiggled your leg.”

He stared at her for a moment before laughing a little bit. Maya rolled her eyes and tapped at her collarbone, a habit that she had recently picked up from her aunt. When she brought her hand away, she was surprised to find that whatever he had spilt on her was beginning to dry up, and although it looked like water, it sure didn’t feel like it.

She pointed to the slushy looking substance on her chest. “What did you spill on me?”

He immediately sobered up and the grim expression was plastered on his face again. Maya immediately started rubbing at it, suspecting the worst. “Do you know what it is?” she repeated. Again, he didn’t answer, only watching her hand continue to rub it in.

Maya sighed and gave up, “So whats your name?”

He snapped out of staring at her chest, and looked up into her brown eyes, “Er, It’s John.”

She smiled at him, “Nice name, I’m Maya.” He didn’t say anything, his gaze returning to the liquid across her chest.

Maya raised her eyebrow and looked down, the liquid had started turning a dark blue, and instantly she felt a queasy feeling spreading throughout her body. She suddenly pitched forward as John threw his arms out to catch her. She realized how nice and right it felt in his arms, before the burning started.

At first it was like fire coursing through her veins making her want to scream, then abruptly changed to ice and all she felt was numbness. Then, just as suddenly as the feeling had come, all she could feel was the warm tingling sensation of John’s arms holding her. Maya heard John swearing and calling for help before she fell asleep.

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