2. Dexter Valentine

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Dexter Valentine

     Dexter had entered the church with specific orders from Mr. X. Collect the serum from Dr. Ryder, who doubled as the groom, and get the hell out of there. Dexter had taken his seat at the very back row, considering he had absolutely no purpose in being there besides the serum.  After the bride had met the groom at the altar, a girl wearing a light blue dress had walked into the ceremony and took the seat beside him. When she passed him, the smell of fresh flowers and honey crept up his nostrils. For the duration of the ceremony he commanded himself not to look over at her, which was going pretty well until she touched him.

When he was annoyed he would bounce his leg up and down. He was certainly annoyed at the fact he had to attend a wedding when he could have just picked it up some other time, maybe on a Saturday? He was annoyed because it had to be the hottest chapel he had ever been in, had they not heard of air conditioning?

He was staring ahead blankly thinking about the history paper he still had to hand in when he felt a slight pressure on his upper arm. He looked over at the girl beside him who had a nice smile on her face, the corners of her eyes crinkling a little bit, her dimples flashing.

“Yes?” Dexter asked. She looked shocked for a second before it disappeared.

“Do you think you could stop jiggling your leg?” Dexter would have normally complied, but he was bored from the service and maybe he could talk to her for a little bit longer this way, so he bounced his leg more profoundly.

He felt like chuckling at the expression on her face before he realized his leg had stop moving and a warm tingling sensation was riveting throughout his body. Looking down he stopped-- the girl's small hand was firmly planted on his thigh. He felt his eyes widen slowly as his heart beat a little faster. The girl seemed to realise it too, because she quickly removed her hand, looking flushed.  Dexter smiled at how cute she looked with rosy cheeks. She murmured a quick thank you and snapped her vision back to the front, her silky straight hair forming a barrier between them.


After the wedding ended, the girl shot out of her seat and out of the chapel. Dexter got up from his seat as well, and adjusted his tie. He walked outside into the cooling night air and immediately felt relieved. He spotted the bride and groom a little ways off taking pictures with family members. Dr. Ryder seemed to sense his gaze and looked over, Dexter gave him a curt nod, which he responded with a slow one, and somehow detached himself from the red haired women, whose hair almost resembled a bee’s nest.

The scientist made his way slowly over to Dexter, accepting the well wishes of some family members on the way. Dexter studied the older man as he got closer. He was tall like his daughter was small. He had a clean shaven face and dark brown hair, with dark green eyes that Dexter had sworn looked brown earlier.

Finally the Mr. Ryder made his way fully to Dexter. “So I take it you are Mr. Smith?” He asked, his eyes flicking to the single black glove that Dexter was wearing.Dexter nodded. “Well then come with me.” The Scientist led Dexter away from the party, and produced a vial to him. The liquid inside was a light blue, which instantly made him think of Dr. Ryder’s daughter in the dress she had worn to the wedding.

“When it is exposed to the oxygen in the air it will change to clear, and it will do exactly as I promised it would. The code is my daughter’s name, so it should start absorbing through the skin then, and you should be able to control it with the passcode as well.” He explained handing over the vial, which Dexter accepted with his gloved hand. “Are you staying for the reception?” Dr. Ryder asked politely.

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