Feather's Love

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"I don't care who you are!" Braveheart snarled, "I want you to leave!" "Fine. You don't want to be with your pack?" "Not if your going to do this!" Braveheart, and a few other warriors chased them away. They celebrated. "They will be back for you Braveheart." Morningstar warned, "Always stay with your group." Maybe she was being protective but I really want to get to know her better. She might not now that I attacked her though... Braveheart wondered, "Come on Tari, Feather we have a big day of hunting tomorrow." Braveheart barked, they went to the Warrior's Den. Braveheart got in between Tari and Feather like usual. She had a hard time going to sleep. Thinking about her mother, sister, and maybe the male was her father. She eventually went to sleep though. Feather was up with Braveheart watching the sun rise but from the ground. "It's kinda hard to see but the sun is just below those trees." Braveheart pointed out, "Oh, now I see it!" Feather barked, the male that woke up after them has been Feather's friend since they were pups. "Mornin' Feather." He said, "Oh, Morning Hail." She answered, I wish I could talk to him. Feather thought, she has loved him since they became apprentices, but has been so shy to speak to him. "Hi Hail!" Braveheart barked, "Hey Braveheart, wanna come with us to hunt?" He asked, "Can my whole group come?" She asked, "Of course." He replied, she gave him a face lick of gratitude. He blushed a bit. She just grinned, "Come on Tari wake up!" Braveheart barked, he rolled over and stretched but layed down again. She nipped his tail, he jumped and had blurry vision for a minute. He whined as of not wanting to get up. "Come on Tari!" Braveheart barked, "Ugh..." He whined, Feather handled him so he was ready to go. They met with Hail's group and started the hunt. "We should go to the meadow we might catch another deer or two." Braveheart suggested, "It's too much work." Tailan woofed, "Well I for one can do it! Please Hail?" Braveheart begged, "Alright your on!" He barked, they jogged and paced themselves over to Half-Peak where they could regroup and figure a plan. "Ok let's do this. Feather and Tailan Chase, Turtle and Tari slow it down, then Hail and I shave the final blow to the throat?" "I'm not very fast." Turtle stated, "You don't have to be fast you just have to bite the prey on the leg." Feather woofed, alright so there were about four-six does with four or five fawns. And the large buck. They already knew they shouldn't try to take him down. The injuries could be fatal. They decided to take a young doe on the far side. Feather and Tailan were ready. There they went! They chased the doe down to the eastern side of the meadow to Tari and Turtle. Tari jumped and bit the back of her, while Turtle ripped on her leg. Then it was the final hit. Hail went before it was time he got rammed by the doe and they fell  down into the ditch! Luckily, every one was down there by the time it happened and we were able to stop anyone from getting hurt. "I told you it was too much work!" "No one got hurt!" "Hail was almost crushed!" "PLEASE STOP BICKERING ABOUT THIS!" Hail snarled, "I went to early! I wasn't on time!"

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