Ch. 1 Thoughts & Remembrance

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I love it out west, the big open space, and the fresh air. My grandparents wanted a family reunion so here we are in Tabiona, Utah with my uncle and aunts and my cousins. I have not seen all of then together in ten years.

I really plan to move out here within Utah but, what should I do about Trevor? Its like a hot and cold relationship right now and its not making any sense to me. There is a part of me that says I'm better off without him but I also care too much about him.

I remember the first time we actually hung out and I was a bit nervous because my parents didn't let me hang out with boys. When they said yes to hanging out with Trevor, I was quite surprised.


A year ago

I was so excited for Trevor and I to go to the beach. At the same time I was nervous because he is a hot guy that I happen to start having a good friendship with. I really am just looking for a great guy friend to hang out with since most of the guys I have liked to hang out with all wanted to be "more than friends."

I'm trying to get all of my things together and decide since im only looking for a friendship, I won't put any makeup on. Downstairs my mother loudly rambles to my grandma about everything and anything she can talk about. My dad is most likely sitting there quietly listening, as can't get in between two women talking, and making side comments here and there.

Trevor texts me to let me know he is here and I run to my window to look out at the driveway. Sure enough he is there alright and is wearing a white tank top with khaki cargo shorts.

I can't believe he is here! And he has amazing muscles! I gawked in my head while watching him walk up the side-walk.

I run downstairs to let Trevor in as soon as the doorbell rung. I open the door and there was his amazingness!!

"Hey!", he said with a smile across his face.
"Hey, come on in!", I said back to him while my grandma, my parents, cousin and sister watch us interact.
As Trevor walked in, his face lit up,"Oh hey! I guess everyone is here!"
My mother replied, "Yup we are just chatting away."
"Yes but Hannah and I should be going soon here." My grandmother said while not moving.
"I want to go to the beach!", exclaimed my cousin.

Trevor and I smiled at the same time. Everyone started talking with Trevor while I still was nervous and watched the interactions. It was 30 minutes before Trevor and I were finally able to get out the door and leave. I practically ran to his car so we wouldn't get held back. My mother can be a bit annoying when she is chatty-kathy like that.

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