Ch. 2 Remembrance Pt.2/ The Beach

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On the way to the beach and when we got to the beach, Trevor and I talked about a lot of different things. We talked about music, our friends, interests that we both share.

It sort of felt like I could talk to him about anything.

When he took of his shirt, I wanted to do nothing more than to stare. He had a nice six pack that wasn't really beefy, just lean. He also had very smooth shoulders, I want to touch all of his body. I was able to control myself and keep carying conversation.

We had fun splashing water at one another and I acted shy, of course, because of the girl I am. At one point he picked me and pretended to drop me in the water. I was loving every single second of it!

"No! Put me down Trevor, I don't want to fall!", I said practically screaming.
Trevor laughed, "Ha but wouldn't it be fun to be thrown in there?"
"No, are you ridiculous? There is creepy crawly things in the water as well!!", I replied back. I couldn't believe what he was saying.

We ended up walking down to the pier, which was a ways down because we parked where no one else really parked. That gave us more time to talk to one another.

"So, how many relationships have you had?", asked Trevor.

I was surprised on how he asked this question. He asked it causally but with a curious tone.

I replied, "Just one relationship, that lasted for a long time but other than that you can say I have only had flings." I tried to sound casual, like it wasn't a big deal.

I quickly changed the subject because I wasn't quite ready to talk about it. I wanted to enjoy my time with Trevor without thinking about my past.

On the peir, I got some really great photos of the sun setting behind the hotel resorts. It was a beautiful capture!

"I wish I had my camera, I could take some magnificent photos of that sun.", Trevor pointed out.
"Oh really?", I asked.
Trevor explained, "Sure I can, I study film as my major. So I know how to use a camera."
"Wow, that's pretty cool! So do you do photography shoots?", I asked him.
"Yeah, I'm pretty proud of my work.", Trevor said happily.
"Well can you do a photoshoot of me?", I asked challengingly.
"Of course I can. I know where and what time of the year I would want to do one.", Trevor replied back.

Holy shit! Trevor being my photographer would be so hot! I thought to myself as he said that. I could also finally get some photos done and is over due!

Walking back to the car from the pier something magical happened. I was talking about how I wanted to be a hair stylist and I was making fun of him on how long his hair had gotten.

While walking our hands brushed up against each other. Our hands brushed against each other again and it was like magnetism that made our hands interlock. We were walking hand in hand down the beach!

OK I guess this is good. I thought. I wonder if people think we are a couple? What is he thinking about this?

I decided to make it playful and swing our arms while we walk down the beach. I kept up casual conversation and even had music playing so we can listen while we were not talking.

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