Part 1

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Rainbow dash darted towards a pile of white fluffy clouds. She Kicked her hind leg into the cloud as it disappeared into thin air. The cyan pegasus gave a sigh of triumph as she smiled her usual smile. Everything was on track and she finished the job on time.

Dash could take the free time she had to relax beside a lake. Or, she could do amazing stunts in the air so ponies could see her. Suddenly, rainbow dash's thoughts were interrupted by a squeaky joyful voice. The cyan pegasus looked down to see who it was. Rainbow dash blushed slightly as She saw it was Pinkie pie.

Dash glided down onto the ground to see what her bubbly pink friend wanted. "Rainbow dash! Hi! can I give you something?" The pink pony asked her. Rainbow dash looked into those beautiful magenta eyes. It shun so bright, dash should've brought sunglasses along with her. "What?" She asked pinkie pie.

Pinkie pie smiled. "A kiss!" She giggled.
Rainbow dash smiled. 'Just a kiss on the forehead. C'mon dash! Were best friends!' She thought. Rainbow dash nodded. Pinkie pie leaned in, and instead of kissing dash's forehead like rainbow dash expected, pinkie's lips locked with hers. Rainbow dash blushed hardcore.

Rainbows eyes widened, as pinkie bit her lip, making dash open her mouth a bit, as an entrance to pinkie's tongue. Their tongues danced with each other as pinkie wrapped her hoof around dash's neck. Rainbow dash ran her hoof along pinkie's hair, getting a bit tangled in it. She quickly untangled herself, as soft moans came from between the kiss making dash chuckle.

They broke the kiss. "I like you dashie!" Pinkie beamed. "I feel the same way." Rainbow dash said to the bubbly mare. "Would you like to, spend the night... With me?" Rainbow dash hesitated, blushing. Pinkie pie screamed in happiness then nodded.

Le next day...
Pinkie pie awoke by surprise. She felt a hoof on her sensitive spot and she blushed. "Eek!" Pinkie was jumped aback. It took a few moments to realize it was Dash's hoof. Pinkie yanked the blanket off to reveal a cyan pegasus sleeping next to pinkie's weak spot. Pinkie pie slowly got out of bed, eager to not wake rainbow dash. Pinkie watched as Rainbow licked her hoof, while she was asleep.

Rainbow dash's wings flared. Pinkie giggled. She didn't know dash could do a Pomf moment in her sleep!
(In case you don't know what pomf means, pegasi do it when they think something is hot, or sexy, their wings flair.)

Rainbow's eyes shot open. She yawned and Pinkie pie giggled. "Morning dashie!" The pink pony cheered. Rainbow stretched.

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