Part 2

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Rainbow stretched. "Morning" Rainbow dash's raspy voice was like no other. Pinkie watched as rainbow turned around, tail up, revealing her sensitive spot. Pinkie's blush blended in perfectly with her pink fur. Of course, pinkie couldn't remember last night's events. "Dashie?" The pink pony asked.

Rainbow dash turned to face her. "Yeah?"

"What happened last night?"

Rainbow dash sighed and chuckled nervously. "Let's say it was pleasure for both of us."

Suddenly, all the memories of the previous night came flooding back into pinkie's mind. Pinkie pie smiled as she blushed. Rainbow dash noticed the big smile on her face.

" will you go out on a date with me?" The cyan pegasus asked. Pinkie pie smiled. "YEAH I WILL!" She screamed. Rainbow chuckled.

Rainbow dash stared into those beautiful blue eyes. She got lost in them. The pink mare's eyes were beautiful.


Rainbow dash snapped back into reality. "Yeah?"

"Where are you taking me for our date?" The pink pony asked. Rainbow dash froze. She hadn't thought of the place for their date. 'Crap!' The cyan pegasus cursed herself in her mind.

Pinkie pie poked at rainbow dash. "Dashie?"

Rainbow dash snapped back into reality. She chuckled.

" how about.... The golden hoof Buffet? I heard that place is awesome!" Beamed rainbow dash. Pinkie's excitement levels seemed to be rising as Rainbow dash spoke. "SURE!" The pink pony screamed happily.

Rainbow dash went into her room, to put on a dress for their special date. Pinkie pie charged after her. She didn't know where else to change.

Since rainbow dash is faster than the pink pony, she already got changed. As soon as pinkie pie got a look at her, her jaw fell to the ground. "How do I look?" The cyan pegasus asked in a sexy tone.

"AMAZING!" Pinkie pie gleefully bounced up and down. Rainbow dash chuckled. Pinkie pie put on her candy gala dress, being the silly mare she was.

They went trotting to the golden hoof buffet. Once they went inside, they were mesmerized by the scent in the restaurant. It smelled delicious.

"What do you want to try first Dashie?" Pinkie pie asked. Rainbow dash smiled. 
"You" she replied in a sexy tone.

Pinkie pie turned bright red. "Uhhh... L-Later." The pink pony answered the statement. She quickly turned away from Rainbow dash not wanting the moment to get even more awkward. (ALL YOU HATERS HAVE TO POST HATE IN THE COMMENTS. I MEAN THE WORD HATE SILLY!)

Rainbow dash gave out a sly grin. "Quick thinking like that!" Pinkie pie elbowed her playfully. Dash chuckled.

2 hours later

Rainbow dash and Pinkie pie exited the restaurant. They both smiled as they sat down onto a bench outside. Rainbow dash smiled. "Pinkie pie,"

"Yeah dashie?"

"Will you be my marefriend?" Rainbow dash finally asked the love of her life. Pinkie pie smiled. Not the hyperactive smile she always has, just the emotional smile. "Does this answer your question?" The pink pony leaned in. Then they kissed. The kissed was magical. The world around them melted. The noise around them muted. It was just Pinkie pie and Rainbow dash.

They both pulled away, smiling beneath the moonlight.

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