- Four -

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Baekhyun POV

I was in the middle of watching an anime when Chanyeol finally came out of the shower. I swear, he must've been performing some sort of sacred ritual or something because he was in there for nearly an hour.

I glanced up at him and noticed that he was wearing a onesie with leopard prints all over it and a little wolf hat or something. He was also wearing glasses, so I assumed that he normally wore contacts. Either that, or he was wearing fake glasses. I must say, he looks extremely adorable.

But hilarious at the same time.

I couldn't hold in my laugh very well and ended up snorting. Chanyeol looked over at me and rolled his eyes.

"Don't judge. I'm most comfortable when wearing this," he gestured to his outfit before striding over to his bed. On the way, though, he tripped over his own feet and ended up faceplanting onto the ground.

Aish...this guy...

He got up and continued heading over to his bed, as if nothing had happened. Oh but I saw that, Chanyeol. I also see that your nose is bleeding- HOLY FRICK YOUR NOSE IS BLEEDING.

I jump off of my bed and grab a tissue before lunging at him. I stuff the tissue up his nose and grab another one to wipe the rest. I hate blood, it's just...ew, no.

Chanyeol just sat there, reading his book, as I continued cleaning his face. It seems like he's used to this kind of stuff, since he's giving no reaction. Or maybe he's giving no reaction because he has no emotions?

Ah, no no. He has emotions. Which means you can make him smile, Baek. You got this, you're the man!

I pinched his nose and didn't let go until he looked at me. "Hwaht." He said in that annoying, nasal tone. I frowned and let go.

"You're not even going to say thank you?" He shook his head and continued reading.

My eye twitched and I felt myself clenching my fist. If there's one thing I hate, it's people who don't show appreciation. Allow me to knock some sense into this boy.

Wait, who am I asking for permission from?

Oh never mind that, I'm about to teach this meanie a lesson on respect and gratitude.

"Yah, when people help you with something you're supposed to thank them for it. It's called respect, something I don't believe you've heard of," I scolded, but the guy just rolled his eyes.

"I didn't ask for your help. I'm used to nosebleeds, it would've stopped pretty quickly," he said.
I almost punched him in the face, but I didn't want him to bleed again. Even if he didn't ask for help, he should still be grateful!

I got up and went back to my bed. Screw him and his thanks, I don't need it.

There was a silence after that, and I couldn't tell if it was awkward or what. But then Chanyeol broke it.


I turned to hide my smile. Hey, maybe this guy's got some sense after all.


One week later...

"GET YOUR ASS OUTTA BED, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!" Someone flung me off the bed and I landed on the ground. I looked up to glare at the person but ending up gulping in fear.

Instead of Chanyeol, who I was expecting, it was Kyungsoo.

Before he could murder me, I jumped up and dashed into the bathroom. I think I finished getting ready in about 15 minutes, which is a record for me.

Don't wanna mess with Satansoo.

I rushed out and slipped on my blazer, my shirt still untucked and my tie undone. Like the eomma he is, Kyungsoo straightened out my shirt and did my tie for me.

I noticed that Chanyeol was waiting by the door with his bag and everything, all ready. His hair was done in a messy way and I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous.

How come he can style his hair messy and still look fabulous? If I did that, I'd just look like I walked by a fan. How does he do it so effortlessly?

Chanyeol must've noticed me gawking at him because he looked at me and smirked. Oh my oh my gahd my hearteu oh my gahd my hearteu is oh my gahd.

No no no, Baekhyun. Get yourself together. He's mocking you. Go over there, and just walk out the door without giving him a single glance.

Yeah, I think I'll do that.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and calmly walked out, with Kyungsoo following behind me. Chanyeol closed and locked the door before catching up to us.

"Hey Soo, what's your first class?" I asked as I tried to focus on not getting lost.

"Song composition and poetry," Kyungsoo frowned as he looked at his schedule.

"Oh wow! I've got that class, too!"

Chanyeol and I glanced at each other. We had said that in total sync, even with the same tone of voice. That's freaky.

"Jinx you owe me a-" Chanyeol glared at me, making me shut my mouth and discontinue my sentence.

Oh right, he should owe me nothing. I broke his arm.

I wonder if he'll ever forgive me...


Lol I just think Chanyeol looks so friggen cute with his PJs XD Sorry for not updating >< I didn't have much time to write, what with school and all that. Hope you enjoyed reading ^^ Feel free to correct, comment, vote, and share!


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