Chapter 1 - Sorry I'm Late

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A/N       Now imma try to keep up with updates for this, I'll probably pre-write chapters so if I ever forget to update just comment on this so I can put up a new chapter. I don't know if this fic will have a particular story line, it's just about Tronnor being cute and being Tronnor. Okay that's all for now, byyyyyeeee <3

Words- 1337


Troye's POV

I'd been working at the studio everyday that I'd been in LA for the past month or two. As much as I hated not having free time, I knew it would pay off. Since we were getting closer and closer to the release date I didn't get to leave the studio on time, I was always late. Being late wasn't entirely bad, it only affected date night, other meetings, and my sleep schedule.

I was finally done working for today, in my Uber on my way home from being in the studio for 8 hours. It was 6pm now, I was supposed to be done at 3 and go shopping at The Grove with Connor then go to dinner, that isn't gonna happen. I felt awful, Connor and I've had to cancel almost all of our dates recently, it didn't bother Connor too much considering we still got to spend together. But I still feel horrible every time I had to cancel a date.

I'd been texting Connor my entire ride home, going back and forth and eventually deciding we were going to order in and watch a movie. I had a special surprise to tell Connor about when I got home, but I didn't feel like telling him I had a surprise beforehand because he would bug me until I finally gave up on waiting.

After spending what felt like an eternity in the Uber, we finally turned onto our street, pulling into the driveway of Connor's apartment. I thanked and paid the driver and pulled my keys out of my bag, practically sprinting to the door. I unlocked the door, and to my surprise Connor wasn't sitting on the couch waiting for me. I stood confused for a few moments before setting down my stuff and calling out his name, "Connor?...... Con?" I received no answer "Babe I'm home.... where are you?" Still no answer I walked to the dining room table to see if he had left a note, he hadn't. I checked the kitchen, the bathroom, and his bedroom, he was nowhere to be found, I then checked the last room in the house, his office, when I rounded the corner to enter I saw that the door was closed, Connor never closed that door, Connor barely closed any doors. I knocked on the door while calling out his name one last time, "Conn-"

"I'm in here editing babe, you can come in," he finally answered.

I moved my hand to the doorknob and opened the door.

"Con, why'd you shut the door, you nev- what is this, what?" I was shocked at what I saw, a beautiful little table surrounded by chairs with a lantern on top. I looked closer and on the table was dinner from my favorite Thai restaurant and waiting next to the table waiting for me to sit down was my beautiful boyfriend.

"I know you were really busy today," he said talking faster than usual, "and I didn't want to make you wait for food so I ordered it ahead of time, I hope I got the right stuff, I think this is what you normally order, if it isn't I can make pasta or---"

"It's perfect," I said, walking towards the table, before sitting down. I grabbed his hand and gave him a quick peck on the lips, making him giggle. "You're perfect."

"I'm not," Connor stated, "but I try to be."

He sat down and we started to eat and we talked about my day at the studio and his day at home and running errands. "Did anything especially interesting happen today in the studio?" he asked me.

"Yes, actually," I responded with a smile "I don't have to go in until 1pm on Sunday, they gave me tomorrow off." Connor nearly choked.

"But I thought you had to work all day tomorrow?" he asked quizzically, his head tilting and eyes squinting.

"They have to edit some technical stuff tomorrow and they said it would be okay if I wasn't there." I replied. "I thought we could sleep in then go shopping since we couldn't today."

"That's great news babe, I'm so excited to have a whole day with you!"


We'd moved to the couch in the living room and were watching a movie. It was about 10 now and we were both too tired to do anything else, but too awake for sleeping.

"Hey Con?" I said, keeping my eyes on the TV screen. He responded with a small groan, "Do you want to watch another after this or head to bed?"

"I don't care," he responded "whatever you want."

"I asked you because I don't want to decide."

"Well I don't want to decide either, you pick."

I groaned and ruffled his hair, "Let's watch a few episode of Orange Is The New Black then go to bed, does that sound okay?"

"Mhm" he said as he was trying to get his hair back into place.

After watching Netflix for about 3 hours we headed to his bed. We had a little nightly routine, Connor would make the bed while I got changed, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. Then we switched places and I plugged in all the electronics and got into bed while Connor went into the bathroom to get ready. I had gotten comfortable in bed and was waiting for Connor to come in so we could turn off the lights and scroll through social media on our phones until we fell asleep.

Connor was usually one to sleep in warmer clothes no matter what time of year it was he always seemed to wear fleece sweatpants and a t-shirt. When he came in today he was wearing only his boxers. No shirt, no pants, only his boxers. He then climbed into bed acting just as normal, we were both on our phones and I started to feel uncomfortable. I was usually the one wearing less clothing, and tonight I felt very overdressed. Did Connor want to do something? With a lot of different thoughts running through my mind I decided to just address the problem. "Connor, why aren't you wearing any clothes??"

'Wow Troye, way to be subtle,' I thought as I immediately regretted my choice of words.

"I just thought that.... maybe because you..... don't have to go into work tomorrow, we wouldn't have to worry about waking up on time so..... I thought that maybe we could..... just..... you know-" I cut him off with a gentle kiss.

"Yes I know what you mean, and as much as I would love that I'm exhausted," I stated, he had a look of disappointment on his face, it was if he was a little boy and I had told him we couldn't go to Disneyland today. "But we have all day tomorrow" I said trying to make things a little better.

"Okay, but promise me we will tomorrow, we haven't you know...." he hesitated, then swallowed hard, "had sex..... since Chicago, that was over a week ago. I'm not trying to be too needy, but it's been a while and I just miss the feeling of being with you...... in an intimate way." He was full on blushing now as he awaited my response.

"Babe," I said trying to comfort him, "you don't have to be scared to talk to me about this stuff, if you want to have sex just tell me. I know its scary sometimes, but it shouldn't be, just talk to me about it an I'll listen." He didn't respond, "Okay?" I asked,

"Okay." He answered after what felt like an extremely lengthy pause. "I love you babe thank you for being you, goodnight"

"I love you too Con, see you in the morning." We exchanged a quick kiss and then got in our respective spooning position and fell asleep.


Okay so that was the first chapter...... I hope you liked it, I was gonna put smut in it but I decided that should wait, so I'll update in a few days!! -Ruby

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