Chapter 13

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I wake up with a bad ass headache that I don't even remember what happened yesterday . I look around the room to see if Steven is in here but it's just only me in this quite room I get up to check but there's no sign that nobody is in this apartment except me . I decide to take a shower since I haven't took one for 2 days which I think it's gross because I probably smell like trash.

After I took a shower I look for a tooth brush that's haven't been used which I got lucky that I found one that's still in the box that hasn't been open , I finish brushing my teeth and I leave to the living room to relax . While I'm relaxing I hear the doorknob moving which I know it's Steven it sounds like he's struggling to open it I get up to answer the door . Steven walks in really fast while dropping some shopping bags

"Wth is this ?" I asked

"Oh I bought you some clothes , a couple of honey shirts , socks , and bras that even comes with some cute ass chonies. Some bags are mine tho " Steven says . (I think I'm the only one who actually thought the underwear part was funny 😂😭😂)

I make a face like ok then i tell him "uh ok that's cool and nice of you to do that"

Steven smiles at me and leaves to take some bags to his room I help him so he won't have to do all the work.

"Hey we should go hang outside in a while " Steven says

"I thought you didn't want me going out because someone who probably knows me might know I'm here "

"Yeah I know but I realized there's probably no one who knows you or think you're here "

He's right probably there isn't nobody who knows me .

"Ok then I go outside with you to hang out "

"Yay . Get ready to go out then"

I nod my head yeah as I check the bag of clothes that he bought me. I pick a honey shirt that shows the little girl from Honey Boo Boo and some skinny jeans that's the same exact size I wear then I leave to the bathroom to change
I get out of the bathroom all changed into some new clothes . Steven looks at me and says "wtf dude you look so fire asf in that honey shirt "

I just smile and look down at the shirt, those honey shirts are pretty rad I seen people wear it but I never bother to ask where they got it at

Steven and I start going outside to hangout. We're walking around until all of sudden I hear a couple of girls I guessing about 5 of them calling Steven's name like if they were really happy and excited I wonder why though . Steven hears the girls and turns to them

"Hey look my beautiful scummys let's go to them"  Steven says

Scummys? I thought to myself. What is that? I never heard that before and why is Steven calling them that

I give Steven a smile and we leave walking to the scummys  they're wearing honey shirts like I am. The girls all gave Steven a hug one out of time and also took pics with him they look really happy like if Steven was like some celebrity to them . "Omg is she a scummy , your crush , friend , or your gf?" One of the girl asked Steven . "Oh she's my friend that I met a few days ago " .

After Steven was finished chilling and meeting the girls we both left to the skatepark .


After a long day chilling with Steven and meeting a lot of cool people we decide to leave back since it was getting late already . I go straight to the bathroom to take a quick show .

Steven's P.O.V

Today was pretty cool hanging out with Amber , meeting my beautiful scummys , and some others . I go on twitter to see wassup and tweet a pic of Amber and I took earlier but until after posting it a couple mins ago I started getting some hate tweets about Amber which makes me really upset that some had to put me down but mostly to Amber except she doesn't know about what's happening.

"Who is she & why is she even with Steven ? She better back off 😡👊 "

"She doesn't deserve to be Steven's friend or whatever she is to him"

"Fake ass scummy 😑"

"I bet she's trying to steal Steven away from us u can tell by her face 👿"

Wow this is way to fucked up I'm not going to see anymore of these tweets it really hurts that I want to cry because no one,  either Amber & I shouldn't be getting hate over a little thing . I tweet "wow I can't even hang out with a girl because some would snap out and start some hate 😔"  then delete the pic of Amber & I before it gets worse . I log out of my twitter as I feel the tears start to come out that's when I hear Amber asking me what's wrong .


I get out of the bathroom after showering until I see Steven looking really sad and a little bit of tears in his eyes .

"What's happened are you ok ?" I asked

Steven holds back him tears and tells me "yeah I'm ok ... Kinda ?"

"Why are u sad ?"

"Something "

"You can tell me anything "

"No . You'll probably feel the same way as me and I don't want to see you really hurt"

"Just tell me"

"Well I posted a pic of you and I on twitter then all of sudden I started getting hate tweets but mostly to you which really brought me down "

What ? Hate tweets mostly to me . Idk what to say but I can imagine what those hate tweets are I really don't want to see it also . I get sad that Steven has to go through this and also me because I never been through some hate before , I try not to look sad .

"It's my fault for tweeting a picture of u with me that there was going to be hate"

"Don't blame yourself . There's always going to be some that will hate for no reason , no matter how much it can hurt us we can stay really strong and ignore the bs"

I see Steven's sad face went to a happy one which is what I want see from him . We hug each other really tight that we can't even let go .

"Idk what I can do without you . Thanks for making me so happy your words help me ."

"Anything for u Steven " as I smiled that Steven smiles also.

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