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Hey guys! So I'm new to WattPad ^^ how ya doin', sup. Alright so this story, or rather, book, is one I've been dying to write for like ages. There are these really amazing moments that stick with me, awesome things I want this to become and so many places I want this to go but unfortunately, the laws of storyline dictate I have to start at the beginning.... *grumble grumble grumble* anyways, this is merely the introduction, I'm still working on the first chapter but I shall release it once it's done indeed! I'm excited for this so fingers crossed it turns out well =D Aight, imma stop talking now. Enjoy!


A lot people I find believe in something higher, the supernatural or spiritually superior. Y'know God and ghosts, the universe, aliens. Whatever it is, people, myself included, believe in these things because it's daunting to imagine us here for nothing. It gives our existence purpose, and it's empowering. I wanted to believe that I was worth more, not the result of some cosmic coincidence. As a people, we want to know why we're here, we can't accept that we're out here alone, discarded and abandoned to drift in solitary space.

And people dedicate their lives to those things. Answering the questions, setting out to make something of themselves, to give themselves a purpose, to earn their worth. I had big dreams of that. It could be anything, but it would be grand. Recently, I've learned two thing. One: we're not alone. And two: our purpose may be more... unexpected than we could have imagined. Even right now, after my life has changed forever, I still don't understand. A week ago, I was still a hopeful teenager, living life in his head. There was nothing I considered special about myself, I had my whole life ahead of me to earn that worth. I was one of the many blank faces, plastered onto the wall of our generation. Someone had forgotten to paint my face with a different color. I was still no one, nothing that would grab your eye anyways, nothing that would make anyone want to choose me... but they did.

"Paxton! C'mon let's move!" His words tore me from my thoughts. I was standing in the middle of the sidewalk, a river of people passed by me, going about their business. I looked up, scanning the skyline of Miami, my eyes traced the edges of the skyscrapers as I took the moment in. The face of the sun glancing off the glass, the buzz of the cars navigating the downtown traffic, the smell of the sea meeting the smell of car exhaust and cigarette smoke and greasy food. I breathed deeply, preparing myself. This might be the last time I ever see the United States, and I wanted to remember it, appreciate what I had taken for granted one last time.

"Paxton!" He called for me again.

"Alright I'm com-."

"Paxton! Watch ou-," he was cut off by the unmistakable pop of a gun. It sliced through the air, exploding into my back. The sharp pain punched its way through me, ripping the breath from my lungs. I collapsed to the sidewalk. Around me, sounds became distorted as the hustle and bustle of Miami faded out. My ears rang as I turned my head. The afternoon sunlight retreated behind the buildings, and I was enveloped in their shadows. I desperately choked for air, my vision began to blur as I watched the man calling for me leap into the crowd with his sword raised, poised for the kill. He slammed into another person, knocking the gun from his hand and sending him crashing through the glass of a Chick-Fil-A.

Confused? Don't worry, I'll let you know everything I do, and then, you can remain confused.

Chosen: Genesis - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now