Not pretty

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Not pretty

Michael pov
New city, new house, new school. I already hated it here. I used to live more in the country where everyone was pretty friendly and nice but here is so much more different. For starters, school. I may have lived in the outskirts of another town my whole life but I know that school here is torture. Especially for me. You could call me a twink, an outcast. But that's me. I'm far from being normal. I like flower crowns and sweaters. I just feel pretty in them so I like it. So basically before going to school I need to mentally prepare myself for bullies and bias teachers. I highly doubt I would like it here. And that I would not be able to find any friends so prepare for torture.

"Well Michael, we finally get to move out of that old dump and on to this new house. Isn't it pretty." My mom said. I like pretty things. My old house was prettier though. It was like a farmhouse without the farm. A nice lake near by, it was cozy. This current one looks boring. It looks like, well, a house. It was same as to the house next to it and the house next to the other. It was not pretty.

I hugged Daniel closer to me. Daniel was my older brother. Until he died. The lion plushy was the last gift he gave me before he left. I miss him. "I can't wait to go inside." said my mum happily. I hope it's better than the outside.

There was so much white. It was so plain. Nothing. I know white is a pretty colour but there's so much of it. Maybe my room would be different? "C'mon Mikey this is a new start. Plus white would match the furniture." There's my mom so optimistic. Maybe she's right. "C'mon why don't you go decorate your room. Make it pretty as pretty as you are."
Yay! I finally finished decorating my room. My mom was right it does look prettier now. All the posters and fairy lights I have are a'll in the right place. My desk with a mirror, placed perfectly in front of my bed. Everything was perfect. Except me...
"Michael, Can you please get the door!" My mom shouted. Who could that be? I ran down the stairs. "Hello!" I said not really looking at the person in front of me.

Oh my god. This boy, scratch that, man, is gorgeous. He had sandy blonde hair that reached to the heavens in a quiff. Blue eyes that were looked oh so perfect on him. God was he blessed with looks. "H-hi" I said again. I was staring again wasn't I? "Hi I'm Luke your neighbor I guess. Here's a house warming gift. Some cookies. My mom doesn't actually cook so sorry, these aren't home made." Luke said reluctantly. Oh no he doesn't even want to talk to me. "T-thank y-you" I stammered. He left me starring and god he was pretty. "I'm a mess" I muttered to myself.

"Who was that?" my mom asked coming out of the kitchen. "A-a neighbour." "Oh how sweet of them they brought us some cookies." I quickly rushed to my room, blushing like crazy. Luke is so pretty. I stared at my mirror. Too bad I'm not pretty.

Hey guuuuys.
I said I'll write in this book once "In Love with Silence" is finished cuz the storylines are parallel but fuck that. Imma be like Scott Cawthen and release thing waaaay ahead of schedule. Anyways I'm redoing that book and I don't want to forget the storyline for this one so I'm publishing chapters here. Don't expect frequent chapters tho


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