All the luck in the world Part 2

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Harry and I started going out after High school finished. We had a whole year to ourselves before we started University. Harry bought himself a brand new car, and we usually drove for hours on end, visiting parks and going hiking. He was the love of my life. Nothing was going to separate us. I was a lucky girl. I told myself that each night. Harry was my lucky charm. 

One day, he started to drift away.

He would receive a call from someone, and he would leave right away. Giving an excuse. I would smile and tell him it was alright. I felt my heart being stabbed, over and over again. I don't know if I'm overreacting, but he does it more and more often now. I let him be, hoping that he was just hanging with his mates. Hoping that he was still mine. Hoping that... What was the point in hoping? I went to his house and opened the door. You see, he gave me his spare key, so I can come over at anytime. This wasn't Hary's house. It was empty. I wandered around, his car wasn't in the driveway. In the middle of the lounge room was a stack of boxes labeled: kitchen, living room, bedroom... Was he moving houses? When was he planning to tell me. Was he planning to tell me?

"Hey harry, let's go out tonight." I say, trying to hide my questioning tone. 

"Sure babe, whats up?" he asked, like he has done nothing wrong.

"Oh nothing, I just miss your face, that's all." I'm trying to hold back my tears.

"Yea sure hun, I'll come pick you up at 5."

"I can come to your house if you want, I'm going shopping right now, I'm close by." I say, wanting to visit his house, and seeing everything back in it's place.

"No, I like your house better, I'll be there at 5. Love ya." Then he hung up. At 5 he came, in casual jeans and a top. We walked to his car and started the engine, a sweet smile on his face. I smile back, wishing nothing was wrong. We stopped at Mc Donalds, grabbed a burger and went for a long drive to no where. It was an awkward silence. He suddenly stops the car. "hey hun, I've been wanting to talk to you." I brace myself. "I'm moving houses, and I think it's best if we break up." tears filled my eyes.

"Who is it?" I asked. A bitter taste was forming in my mouth.

"I'm not moving because of a girl. I'm moving because... urm.. Just give it up Y/N, I'm moving on, so should you. It doesn't matter if I have another girl or not." I push a smile onto my face. "Harry..." He turned around to meet my face. I pulled him in, close enough for me to kiss. I kissed him, but he didn't kiss back. He sat expressionless. I opened the car door and slammed it shut..

Then, everything went Black

All the luck in the world (Harry Styles fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now