The introduction (chapter 1st)

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There was a pretty black eyed girl,
Who lived in a city, city of lights, New York
Who was 19th years old, named Jenny
She lived here since birth

She had only one sister, named Anna who was 16th years old and was very close to her sister

Jenny always shared her feelings with her, but hid the things, which hurt her sometime but Anna was very possessive about her
she could know when she was happy or sad but never let her know that

It was the last day of summer vacation, Jenny and Anna went to a mall with their father and shopped everything, they wanted as they came back home

*jenny knocks the door*

"Uh! Mom ! Open the door, I am so tired, my legs hurt!" Jenny exclaimed with pain

Her mom came up to the door and opened it and sweetly asked her "Aww.. Sweetie, what did happen to your legs?"

"Mom! I hate Anna for telling dad to shop more and not letting him to come back home as soon as i wanted" Jenny exclaimed with innocence

"Awwww.. Don't feel bad for your legs, Anna will put some balm upon them, so they won't hurt you again" said her mom

"WHAAT!?! Seriously mom!?! Anna exclaimed with fake anger
"YES!" Said her mom
"Well, mom you're treating me unfairly, you don't love me, FINE! Bye!" Said Anna as she went to the kitchen

"Ah mom! Why do you let her climb on your head this high? Why?" Asked Jenny..

"My sweetie, she is little, she behaves immaturely sometimes, but that's up to you how you react over her stupidness" said her mom

"Hmm... Okay mom, I understand, in this age of her, kids behave kinda different, so its okay to bear it" said Jenny with a smile

Her mom felt proud for having a good daughter like her as she noticed that how maturely she just spoke

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