Chapter 14th

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[next morning]

Jenny woke up by the rays of the sun but couldn't open her eyes, 'cause they hurt
hearing her mom's voice made her smile but she thought it of jay

All she was doing blushing, thinking of him, kept her as happy as she has never been
She was that happy that she could even hug her enemy
As she barely opened her eyes, she saw jay, sitting beside her
Playing with her hair with his fingertips

"OH GOD! WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!" She thought to herself
As she got up, she shouted "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"
"WHAT? You okay?" Her mom asked
"Ah mom that's you?" Jenny asked back whilst rubbing her eyes
"Yes! Then who should be" said her mom as she raised her eyebrow at her
"Oh no! I thought you of anna" said Jenny as she shook her head

"Hmmm... Okay sweetie. She is in the kitchen but what got you smiling in your sleep?" said her mom
"Waaaat? I was smiling? Noo.. Ah I don't know. Hmm I don't remember." Said Jenny hesitatingly
"But In the kitchen? What is she doing there?" Asked Jenny with widen eyes

"She is making lemon juice for you." Replied her mom
"Really? How?" Asked Jenny shockingly

"Idiot, you were too drunk last night, and you didn't even ask your father, does your dad's permission mean nothing to you?" Said her mom disappointedly

"Oh noo mom! It does and will always. Actually anna didn't let me to, she said that dad would not know about it, so chill." Said Jenny guiltily

"Hmmm.. So that's Anna. Well, go change and come down for breakfast" said her mom as she walked out of Jenny's room

"Oh God! I was smiling? No shit! I hate you for making me smile jay!" Jenny thought to herself Whilst blushing but was very guilty of not asking for her dad's permission

[on dining table]

"Good morning everyone" said Jenny as she pulled a chair and sat on it

"good morning sweetie, how have you been?" Her dad asked whilst having his breakfast

"Hmm. Been Good." Relied Jenny whilst avoiding eye contact with him

"That's good, so you two weren't home last night right?" Her dad asked
"Hm.. Yea.." Replied Jenny hesitatingly as anna interrupted "actually Paps, we were at our friends, she threw a party at her house for getting a new luxurious car and sorry for going out without your permission" anna explained

"Hmmm... Okay but keep in mind one thing that don't ever go out without my permission again, is that clear?" Said their dad as he pointed them with a fork

"Okay..." Said Jenny and anna whilst looking down in their plates

"Tang tang" Jenny phone rang

"AH who's that" Jenny whispered as she checked it, it was a text of jay

Says "Good morning kinder😉🌝" it made her smile as she read it

"Who is that?" Her dad asked
"Aah.. It is just a text of my friend dad. She says good morning" replied Jenny as she bite her lower lip

"Umm.. Okay, put it down and finish your breakfast" said her dad strictly
"Okay.." Said Jenny with annoyed face

"Ah who is that friend that sent you a 'morning text' ?" Anna whispered as she bumped her shoulder on her

"Shut up and do your breakfast" Jenny whispered back as she raised her eyebrow at her
"Okayy." Said anna as she started doing her breakfast

After 5 minutes, Jenny couldn't stop her self from not replying back to his text.

She typed "Morning jelly😜"
"What? I ain't jelly! 😏" jay texted back in seconds

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