Chapter Fifteen- The Kazekage Returns (SUPER SHORTNESS POWER ACTIVATE)

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So this chapter (and possibly the next few chapters) will be from a sort of Temari Point of view, 'cause there won't be much happening on Kaien's side of the story, 'cause she's... well... in jail/ dead. Also, this is a very short chapter. The power of the shortness is with me. LOL MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU> IT SOUNDS FUNNY IF YOU SAY IT ALOUD. AWESOMENESS POINTS TO YOU IF YOU JUST SAID IT ALOUD TO TRY IT OUT. :D SORRY, HYPER ON SHERBERT :3

Well, enjoy this incredibly late fantastical update! (Haha, I made a rhyme XD)

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It was a relatively nice day in Sunagakure. The sun was shining in a way that didn't scald the skin of every citizen that dared venture outside at midday, and there was a pleasant breeze brushing through the streets. Most people were happy... most.

The few that weren't so happy were that way because, in a mad twist of events, they had ended up weaving a lie that, if found out, could sever the bond between siblings that they had worked so hard to forge. The red-haired girl was being kept a secret, wasting away in the most secure jail that Sunagakure had- which just so happened to be right beneath the Kazekage building. The Kazekage building, the home of the very man they were trying to hide her from.

Temari wasn't so worried about Kaien discovering that Gaara was alive- even if she did, there was little she could do, being locked up the way she was. And anyway, the chakra restricting cuffs they had placed on her would obstruct her sensory capabilities.

No, it was more Gaara finding out that Kaien was alive and well. Sort of.

He was finally being released from the hospital today, on the condition that he take his medication twice a day with a proper meal in order to get his body back to strength. Gaara's expression was a mix of determination and impatience, though you could only tell if you really knew him. He had been away from his people for too long and wanted to return to leading the village. Temari hoped that that meant he wasn't thinking about Kaien. She wasn't sure how well she could lie to him.

He was slightly wobbly on his feet as he stood, but stable enough, and refused any help from his siblings to stay upright. Each time he batted her hand away with a disgruntled look, Temari worried that he had already found her out.

As he gave a speech to his citizens and underlings about the events of the massacre (for that was what it had been. So many lives had been lost against the Jashinists) he had to lean against the barrier of the ledge, but it didn't seem that any of the villagers or shinobi spotted it. He told that he knew that words could not take away the pain of loss, but they could live on and prosper in respect for the dead. There was true anguish in his words, and Temari, not for the first time that day, wondered if he was thinking of Kaien. Many cried.

Gaara retreated quickly back inside the building as the crowds  began to disperse, and slumped into his office chair, head in his hands. His brother and sister cautiously made their way over to him. Kankuro rested a hand on his shoulder.

They stood in silence for a long while, just enjoying each others' company, when, surprisingly, Gaara spoke up.

"Why would she do all this..?" he whispered brokenly, and his elder siblings were at a loss for words. They weren't used to their little brother displaying such emotion, and, as such, didn't know how to react.

"..I'm sure she had a reason, Gaara." Kankuro said gently. The brunette sent his sister a meaningful look, and silence grew between the occupants of the spacious room.

"Where is she?" Gaara asked, and the quiet grew heavy. His voice sounded as though he already had an answer in his head and he just needed confirmation. Kankuro frowned at Temari, and she looked away, shame in her heart but her mind already made up.

"She... Kaien died, Gaara. She used the last of her chakra and died." while she spoke, she kept her eyes glued to the floor to avoid Kankuro's eyes (that were practically screaming 'how can you call yourself a big sister?') and Gaara's reaction. Despite that, she caught sight of the minute clenching of Gaara's left hand that was placed over his eyes. For a brief moment, she wished she could take back the words.

"Gaara, I-" Temari cut herself off, biting her lip. She doubted there was anything she could say to soothe his pain, and felt unworthy to comfort him, anyway. She was the one putting him through this. She didn't deserve to say anything. It would be taking undeserved liberties.

"Please, just go." Gaara's voice was barely more than a whisper, and his two siblings straightened up fully in surprise, "Let me be alone."

The two paused, eyeing their Kazekage and brother a moment longer, before nodding- though he couldn't see it. Temari went to speak, but stopped when Kankuro put a hand on her arm, sending her another look.

"Of course, Gaara." Kankuro said, ushering Temari along with him as he exited, "Take as long as you need."

Once he heard the door close, Gaara's head hit the desk. He exhaled heavily, unwilling to let his tears fall because of all the people that he would be betraying if he cried for her. The people that she had helped kill.

But, at the same time, even before she committed the crime, he had already forgiven her. He had never really been angry in the first place. Only jealous. And he had taken it out on her.

He supposed that, really, it was his fault that they had been lead down this very slippery slope. If he had let his pride go, perhaps she would still be in his arms. But she wasn't. And his heart ached for it.

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