Oh Somewhere In Neverland

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A/N This story is for my amazing friend Chloe as she know how much this song means to me and well I love her <3

I was sitting on a train, watching the sunshine. I was on my way to London to stay with my aunt for a couple of days why my parents had a weekend to themselves to try and save their marriage (Never going to happen) I wasn’t looking forward to it I’d never been to London before. When I finally arrived at the station after what felt like a never ending journey, the station was busy people pushing me this way and that, people running past trying to catch their trains, people with huge bags. But as I made my way through the crowd I saw a boy, he was quite tall and damn skinny with dark brown hair in a fringe sweeping just above his caramel brown eyes, and then he was gone. “Aw he can be my lost boy, the boy I lost before I could ever say hi” I thought he wouldn’t like me anyway.  My aunt had given me a map to their house because it wasn’t very far from the station. After I’d gone down some little roads and side turnings I found the house. When the door opened my lost boy from the station was standing there.

“Hi you must be Wendy, please come in” he said, smiling.

“Hi” I said, a little surprised, my aunt came over and gave me a big hug. 

“Hi aunty” I said, pushing her away.

“MARTHA, get down here and say hello to your cousin.”  Martha was tall, very skinny with long blonde hair and mean blue eyes.

“Oh hello” she said, as though I was just some builder come to fix something.

“Now why don’t you two show Wendy her room why I call your mum to let her know you got here ok”

“Ok mum” said Martha, leading me up the stairs.

“This is you” she said, opening the door to a small room with a little bed, a chair, mirror and an old tv. 

“Thank its........great” I said, throwing my bag on the bed.

“Well yell if you want anything” she said, walking off.  It was only after a minute I noticed the boy was still in the room.

“Sorry I didn’t get your name” I said, trying to be friendly.

“Alex” he said, smiling. 

“So what are you doing here?” I asked, trying not to seem rude.

“I’m Martha’s boyfriend” 

“Oh” I said, turning away from him.  I didn’t do anything for the rest of the day just stayed in my room and read a book I’d brought with me, Alex even came up with tea. After I took the cup he just stood there smiling at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Sorry I’ve just never seen anyone so ..................”

“Ugly, I know” I said, drinking my tea.


“Did Martha pay you to say this?” I asked.

“No, you’re the most beautiful girl in world” he smiled.

“Stop being so stupid” I said, shoving the empty cup in to his hands.

“But I....................”

“GO” I said, throwing my book at him. I had enough of these kinds of people at home, telling me I was ugly and I was nothing I didn’t need it here as well. Being we were going out for dinner I was trying to find something to do with my hair but as normal I couldn’t, I hated everything about the way I look that’s why I was so touchy when Alex said I was beautiful. When we got to the restaurant everyone was laughing and messing about, I just smiled and went along, I still wasn’t in the best mood after Alex’s little act.

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