Oscar Imagine

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You are at the train home. You were at your grandparents place for the summer break and now you're going home. You are sitting on one of those table seat groups. The rest of the train is full and there are only two seats left. On your table. One man is sitting there. He looks ugly and gross and you try not to look at him or you will make a face. With earplugs in your ears, you listen to Ed Sheeran. He is one of your favorite singer songwriters. And so you enjoy the journey. You drive though some kind of desert, then a forest. Fields pass by, you see villages and cities. After a while you fall asleep. And you dream of your favorite band. The Fooo Conspiracy. You dream about meeting them. How awesome would that be? Especially Oscar! You really like him. Actually you have a crush on him so you smile while sleeping. You dream of his beautiful face and hair. His smile, his cheekbones, the little hump on his nose, the way his eyes start to glow when he smiles. Suddenly you hear someone talking. You shrug out of your dreams and you realize that the two spots next to you are now filled. Two boys have joined and one of them sits next to you. Unfortunately you leaned you head on his shoulder while sleeping so you mumble an excuse. You don't even look them in the face until the one sitting next to you says something.

"It's fine! I like being a pillow right Felix?" you can hear his smile just the way you have always dreamed it. Now you still feel his hair on your forehead and you look at him. You didn't hallucinate. Or maybe you are still dreaming because Oscar sits next to you. And on the seat across from you... Felix. They still look at you as if you were some kind of zoo attraction. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." you stutter. Oscar bursts out in laughing and your heart drops 10 miles. You feel like that emoji with the heart eyes. Then you also start laughing and you and the two boys start a nice conversation. The fact that you know them never comes up even if they obviously know. At the end you have to get off the train and Oscar even helps you with your suitcase. He gives you his number and tells you to call him. You haven't stopped smiling and the fact that Oscar gives you a hug, doesn't make it any better.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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