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"OK! But hurry up!" I said and hung up. I was at Varberg's best coffeeshop. I was supposed to meet my best friend Louis here but he just called to say he would come a little later.

I decided to buy a coffee so time would pass faster.

"One latte please!" I said to the waitress. She seemed confused that I was talking English to her. They always were.

I was looking for my wallet. It must have been deep inside my purse.

"What's your name?"

I looked up. She held a pen in her hand waiting for me to answer so she could write down my name on the cup.

"Its Lucy."

"OK Lucy! That'll be 67 SEK. Your coffee will be done soon. Please wait over there!" I paid her, nodded and went to the place she had shown me.

My phone vibrated. A text from Louis:

I'll be there in 30 minutes!

Ok that defiantly meant an hour tops! That was the thing about Swedish people: they didn't have any feeling for time. I couldn't blame them. That was why I loved Sweden so much.

"One Latte for Lucy!" One of the waiters screamed. I took my coffee. In that moment I got another text:

Ok might be a little more than half an hour ... Sorry!

Well... What did I say?
Looking at my phone I turned around. Something, or better someone, stopped my coffee and spilled it all over my shirt. That hurt! It was incredibly hot. Burning my skin. Ruining my shirt.

I looked at the person who's fault this was.
I prepared to scream at that someone but I stopped.
I had to look twice to realize who it was.
I knew who this was! Only I never would've dreamed of meeting that person!

It was a boy. I knew him pretty well. I knew every single corner of his face. I knew his voice, how he moved, even how he chewed! But he had never seen me before.
His hair was exacly as I had dreamed of. But he was a little taller then I had thought. He wasn't wearing any of his usual striking clothes. Only some jeans, a shirt which looked very old and some sneakers in about the same age. I would have never recognized him as him if he wasn't standing right in front of me.

This all happened in less than 10 seconds.
So I was still holding my cup in my hand too shocked to let go. He took the cup and put it on the counter.

"Är du bra?" He looked worried. Back in reality, I shook my head.

"I'm sorry! I don't do Swedish!"

"Oh! Ok I'm sorry! I was asking if you where ok!"

"No! It's burning my skin!"
Even my long black hair that hung down my shoulder was sticky from milk and coffee.

I almost started crying. But only almost. I wouldn't be crying in front of this boy.

"OK OK! Since you obviously know who I am, was it all right if I took you to my hotel room to clean you up? It's only a few meters away! Over the street!"

"Yes that would be nice of you since I have a pretty long way home.."

We started walking
The coffee was leaking through my pants into my shoes. Not a nice feeling!

"OK come its not far!" He said.

"Thank you!" I said looking up to him.

"Its the least I could do!" He smiled. The smile I had seen in so many videos and pictures and interviews.

"Hey! Where are you from?"

He asked guiding me over the street.
"I'm from Germany..."

"Germany huh?" he seemed surprised.

"sorry if I ask but: how come you know who I am?"

" I lived here in Varberg last school year.. I went to school here and I got to know you and the others..
right now I am herefor the cristmas break. I'm staying at a friends house during my stay. and since it's new year tomorrow... well I just wanna spent it with my friends!"

He nodded understanding.

We had arrived at his hotelroom and he opened the door.

" do you want to take a shower? I have everythig you need.... I will also give you some clothes of mine if you want..!"

"yes Thank you!" I said and went into the bathroom to clean myself up. I still couldn't believe who I just ran into.


Hi everyone!!! so! how do you guys like mý second story so far?

who do you think is this mystery guy?

comment what you think!

-Klerii <3

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