Chapter 1

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If you were to leave your tracks in the snow you would never be able to find them because the magnificent element called snow eventually swallows them; although these tracks were big. About 2.5 feet wide, 5.6 feet long, and 10 feet deep. These tracks were not made by one of god's creatures; these were surely the tracks of a demon.

A country may seem like a god or a demon, but their tracks are no different from humans. Their tracks like ours are light and soft. They can barely sink a foot through the frozen surface, so if you leave to find the sun on the horizon, you'd better remember you're way home.

About three months prior to the strange tracks appearance there was said to be a young country as cold as ice. No one dared to touch him for they feared the tips of their finger would blister with frostbite. He was confined and kept from going outside were his people roamed for that is the fate of a cursed country.

The only people he ever saw we're his two sisters. His older Ukraine would always make him new clothes and his younger sister Belarus never forgets to give him hugs and kisses before she leaves. Actually it's quite difficult to get Belarus to leave. Both of them love their brother very much, but it is rare to be encountered by neighboring countries during such a young state of the world unless it's about war. Though, surprisingly the person who visits him the most is General Winter.

The boy sits in the center of the room staring at a small fire flickering from a draft like a puppy late in the evening. He brings his knees to his chest and strokes his precious soft scarf.

"It is still so cold...?" he mumbled.


"Huh? I-Is that you? G-General Winter..."?

An aged man's voice spoke through the crack of the door. He made his way in to speak with the boy called Russia face to face.

"Are you still cold?", he asked very concerning.

Russia turned around and smiled at General Winter, "A bit... I fear it may be getting worse..."

Russia twiddled with his fingers nervously and at looked down at his small pale feet, but General Winter reassured him. He patted his small head and stated "Do not fear Russia we will find a way to fix this, but I must ask you to be patient, and Russia"?

"Yes?", Russia lifted his head curiously to what General Winter might say.

General winter smiled and replied "Stay warm".

A small smile appeared on Russia shy pudgy face as he said "Yes, I will..."

"Good boy", General Winter gave Russia one last final pat on the head and proceeded to stand. He reluctantly apologized "I am sorry Russia, but I must be going. I have some important plans to make out. I will try to visit you again soon".

"Okay...", Russia put his head down in sadness and continued to watch the flickering flames refracted the frigid air. He would sit there for hours staring at the fire. Sometimes he would become so cold that he had the notion of sitting in the fire. He eventually became drowsy from the soothing flames, making the room warm and toasty, and began to drift to sleep.

The reason for Russia's constant watch over his fire was because he fears that if he didn't that it would go out. No heat and fear building up his anxiety only quickened his chilled state.

"Uh? Huh"!?

Russia awoke to see his once blazing fire only a small flickering flame. He desperately scurried over on his hands and knees and began to blow. He cuffed it with his small blistered hands and tried to gently get the crimson colored embers to relight.

"No! Please! Do not go out! If you do I will turn into a demon! Uh"!?

Before he could even place more wood on the small flame it had already died out. There were only a few glowing embers left and by now Russia's anxiety began to consume him. He stared wide eyed at the lifeless fire pit. He held his shoulders and rubbed them trying to keep his body warm. He backed up against the wall and as he brushed against it a thick layer of frost began to spread from the wall across the ceiling.

The once cozy room was now a frozen cage. Russia held the sides of his head as he could feel something pushing its way through his skull. Two small horns made of ice grew just above his ears. Russia gripped his head and frantically pulled at them, but they were molded into his skull.

"No! No! No! Ah"!

Russia trembled as he listened to the bristling cracks of ice began to devour his chamber. He curled up in the corner begging that the sound would cease, but those small horns absorbed all sound just like the soft falling snow. He shivered as he muttered "It is so cold..."

"Traitorous Demon"!!!

Russia jolted at the shattering sound of rocks being thrown through the glass windows and the loud shouting of angry men.

"Go Away Demon"!


"Go Back To Hell"!!!

Tears began to pour down Russia's cheeks as he shook his head and tried to convince himself "I'm not a demon. I'm not a demon. I'm not a demon".

To Russia their chants became loud and echoing through his horns. The sound became deranged and out of tone.

"DeMOn! dEmON! DEmOn"!!!

"STOP IT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That cold winter night everyone within a three mile radius heard Russia's desperate cries, but no one lived that night to calm them. The voices were as loud and as strong as the blistering gusts of a blizzard, but after no more than twenty seconds the night became complete blissful silence.

~To Be Continued...

~The Demon that Walks in the Snow~ (Hetalia Russia Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now