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I sat on George's bed, his laptop in my lap as I looked up Mark's history.

"You sure you'll find anything?" George asked.

I glanced up at him. "He's a famous YouTuber, there's gonna be a bio about him somewhere."

Typing in his name in the Google search bar, it came up with results right away. Clicking on the first link, it took me to a wiki page, showing the year he was born, where he's from, and pretty much everything else. Scrolling down, I didn't see anything useful, until I came to one part.

"Hey..check this out." I said, getting his attention. He walked up to me. "This was from four years ago."

"Yeah, and?" George asked.

I started reading what was there. "Mark Fischbach, well known as his YouTube name Markiplier, lived with his parents until just recently..they came home drunk one night, which he states that he's "been through it before," but this night was different. They suddenly started beating on him, his resistance only working for a short amount of time..it was to the point until he couldn't take it anymore, and he decided to run away." Everything clicked when I read this next part. "He hasn't been seen ever since, everyone thinking he refuses to be found and returned home."

I looked up at him as I realized it all. "This is why he's doing all this."

"The killings?" George asked. "But..why is the question.."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm guessing revenge out of what happened to him..either way, we're going to stop him. His most recent attack was at the hospital, right? He's gotta be near there."

He slowly nodded. "But..how're we gonna hold him off? We don't exactly have weapons we could use.."

"Wasn't your dad a sheriff once?" I asked. "He's gotta have his gun somewhere."

"Yeah, but I don't know where it is, though. He doesn't really want people getting at it." George said.

"So we take it without him knowing."

His eyes widened. "No way in hell! He'd probably ground me for the rest of my life!"

"Well, what would you do in this situation where you have nothing to defend yourself with?" I asked. When he didn't say anything, I added, "Exactly."

"How will we do it, though? He's probably in his room, where it usually is." He said.

"If he is..then we make small talk as one of us gets it." I said.

He sighed, running his hands through his hair, shaking his head. "This is a bad idea."

"It's the only one we got, so we gotta make it count. So..since he won't be suspicious, I'll do the talking, you get the gun."

I knew he didn't like the idea, but he nodded anyways as we headed over to his parents room. Glancing in there, he was laying in bed, reading a book. He pretty much looked just like his son, just an older version of him. Taking a deep breath, we both walked in. He glanced up when he saw us.

"Oh, I didn't know you brought your friend, George." He said.

George nodded. "Yeah, I did. She doesn't really have anywhere to go at the moment."

"Oh, yes I heard..I'm very sorry." His dad said.

I nodded, blocking his view just enough for George to start looking around. "Thanks...sorry I just kinda popped up in here--"

"No worries, I know you."

I smirked. "So uhh..have you heard about what happened? Well..what's been happening.."

He nodded. "Oh yes..it's all over the news..hope they get the bastard."

I chuckled. "Yeah..me too." I glanced over to George, noticing he found the gun. "So..just out of curiosity..how long were you a sheriff before you retired?"

His dad sat up in his bed. "Well..if I remember right, I think it was twenty-two years..and out of all those years I've never seen anything like this before with what's been going on the last few days..it was easy back then but also challenging but...again not like this."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah..I can imagine."

He looked back at George. "You alright there, son?"

He jumped a little, looking at his father. "Yeah..yeah everything's good..just looking for something I think I dropped a while back."

"I don't think it would be on the dresser."

"He likes to be thorough." I said, looking back at him. He gave a small nod, and I looked back at his dad. "Well..me and him are gonna go for a while so..we'll be back later hopefully."

"Don't get into any trouble." His dad said. We both nodded, and headed out of his room. Once we were out of earshot, I turned to face him.

"You got it?" I asked.

"Yeah, but it was close. He almost saw it." George said. "Well..lead the way."

"Hang on...there's one more thing I need to do." Taking out my phone, the number was saved, and I called it. Heart pounding against my chest, I waited until it stopped ringing.

"Hello, Emily. Didn't think you would call." Mark said.

"Mark.." I said, trying not to snap. "Where you at?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"Because I want to meet up with you..we need to talk." I said.

I could envision his grin on the other end. "A meeting, eh? How do I know it's not one of your tricks?"

"You won't know until you see me." I fired back.

"Smart girl." He said. "I'm in the alley way where you and your buddy sped off..be here nine o'clock."

"I'll be there." I said, and hung up. Taking another deep breath, I put my phone back in my pocket, glancing up at George. "Let's get ready for this."

He nodded, and we both headed out, ready to put an end to his killings.

Please comment so I know what u guys think so far!!

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