Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Melody's P.O.V.

I'm now home, in my room with Kat and Harmony, the cat that Shane gave me. He's the cutest cat ever, I really adore him. And he's always with me whenever I'm at home so I guess he likes me too.

I already told Kat what happened in Shane's house and she told me I shouldn't worry, that if he knew something he would have talked to me already and I agree. If he knew I was an angel he would've talked with me already, right?

I honestly don't really know... Today was such a strange and confusing day, I just can't think straight already. All I need now is a good night rest, I want to do nothing else. And so, I guess I'll be going to sleep sooner... And without dinner... I'm just not hungry today...

***A week later***

A week has passed and tonight we're going to have the Winter Prom and so everyone is super excited, including me.

Meanwhile, after what happened last week with that strange warning of who knows who, everything has been... pretty much normal. Besides the fact that I'm always on edge. Always cautious. Whoever warned me said that my secret would be discovered and so I'm being super careful so that won't happen. I'm now leaving the school with Kat, Ev and Lucy.

          Lucy: I'm SO excited for the prom tonight, I just can't wait! - she said with a big grin and very happy eyes. She really is a happiness bomb.

          Katherina: Everyone is excited, Lucy. And who are you two going with? - she asked Ev and Lucy.

          Evelina and Lucy: No one. - they both said at the same time.

          Melody: Why's that?

          Evelina: We just prefer to go alone. Besides, there really isn't any guy here that has picked our interest. - she explained and I nodded.

We got to the school entrance and then parted ways. As Kat and I walked back home, we talked about getting ready for the Prom and about our dresses; basically, girl talk.

Evelina's P.O.V.

I waited for my brother in the school entrance since he's my ride home. Lucy is waiting with me too since she's going to get ready for the Prom at my place and we're also going to spend the afternoon together. We're probably going to get some popcorns done and then watch a film.

I'm still thinking about Katherina and Melody asking about going with someone to the Prom. I said that Lucy and I just prefer to go alone but, honestly... Sometimes I really wish I had someone inviting me to the Prom. And there are also other times when I wish I had a boyfriend like Melody and Katherina have. And they're so lucky when it comes to boyfriends. Their boyfriends love and care for them so much, they really have good boyfriends. One of those boyfriends being my brother surprisingly... Who would say that he could be such an amazing boyfriend? I honestly had lost all faith in him with the way he is with me but, oh well, seems like I was wrong about him... Do not tell him I said that.

And who knows? Maybe I can find someone tonight. I mean, that's what happens in films so it must happen in real life too. All films are in some way based on real life so... Maybe Lucy and I will find our Prince Charmings tonight, who knows.

Lucy's P.O.V.

After a short wait, Shane finally came and took Ev and I to their home in their car. Today's going to be pretty fun. I'm going to spend the afternoon with Ev in her house and later we're going to get ready for the Prom together. I know it's going to be a mess in her room when that time comes.

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