"Dakota did you played this arena thing once more?" Diabolo asked here. "No but i found something. Its a generator where you can see whos alive and wich teams there are. And from wich places they come. Lets see... in the blue devils are 4 girls... Samantha Sakmoore, lucy Sakmoore, Scarlet Mezona and Elsa Sakmoore. So 3 sisters and a other one. In through hell ,our team, Diabolo Cybbone, Zoë Sandpony, Dakota Genocide and Steve Makron. In Blue ender :
Gido Stevenson , fido Stevenson, Corry Valentino and zack linkanson.
In the last team EggLaggers are...
Everyone Unknown? ???" Dakota sayed."yes because i played this for the second time and the EggLaggers are elemental spawners that came from iron."
Zoë sayed. "And..... bzlsvwhqk Steve Makron killed by Scarlet Mezona using a Gold Sword!!!
" WHAT the first kill is now!!!!
The Quest of Maltra
Fantasy16 kids are locked in a ultra big arena. now do they need to kill eachother, dominate there bases and destroy the beacon in the deathmatch. but that... is not so easy. read to find out who the kids are, wich team has gonna win and wich secret is th...