1st of August

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Well on the 1st Me,my mom,my mum's boyfriend, my little brother and sister went to London to visit my baby cousin. I really enjoyed it because my aunt and uncle from Ireland were there (the baby is my second cousin), I also got to see my cousin and his girlfriend. We went to the park but the baby is only 2-3 months old so he can't ride on anything. My cousin forced me to go on a tire swing the pulls you forward then back again.

I was really upset to leave but we had to. It was hard because I hadn't see them in years, and my aunt gave me Irish crisps called King and 20 pound.

I swear my baby cousin is so adorable I wish I could keep him. He's so cute and adorable but he got a bit sick on me, but I don't mind 'cause he's my little cousin and I'll always have his back and love him.

I miss him soooooo much and its only been 8 days but we are seeing him in early January. I literally can't wait. It will be amazing 'cause I might get to see my cousin who has the same name as me.(Yeah my family's a bit strange)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I originally wrote this on the 9th but published later.

Hope you guys are having a great summer.Its such a bummer that school starts next month.
Mine starts on the 7th, what about you?(Leave your answer in the comments)

Have fun all you little amazing different types of Monkeys and Unicorns.

Irish Unicorn Out xx

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