Chapter - 7 -

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I was cold.


The water hit my rib cage like a block of ice, tightening around my lungs and squeezing. I breathed in deep, a gasp passing my lips as I shook.

"Almost done." Violets soft tone barely reached my ears as I held my breasts, hunching slightly.

The water stopped, my shallow breaths the only thing filling up my mind as gentle hands filtered through my mess of curly, drenched hair. Water droplets cascaded over my shoulders and chest, shivers racking me to my core.

My hair was watered down, rung out and I was brought to my feet. Wobbling slightly, I still stood by myself. Violet had left me and gone back to the car, a pile of dry clothes folded at my feet, my naked form still hunched and ignoring the wind that made a chill run down my spine. I pick up the clothes and put them on in a rush, hating the feeling of being so exposed.

Putting on fresh, dry clothes, a sigh of relief escapes my throat, as I tie my wet hair up into a messy bun, water softly dotting the shoulders of my large red sweater.

My feet scrape against the gravel as I shamefully walk myself back to the vehicle, my humiliation is met with smiles, and pity filled eyes from my father.

I sit down, letting the soft seats fill me with familiarity, which is hard to find when your entire existence feels lost. The silence of the car feels uncanny, so I fill it.

"I found your favorite chocolate bar Max." My voice sounds croaky and bitter, but I manage a smile as he looks at me with joy only an innocent soul could have, his neck craned to look at me from the front seat.

"Milky Way?" He whispers the words, almost like it's a secret.

"Of course." My heart swells, as I pull it from the bag my dad had placed in the backseat. My chest feeling to have lightened as I hand him the bar.

He tears it open in a heartbeat and takes a bite, a sound of approval leaving his lips as he gives me a thumbs up. His slightly too long brown locks swishing to the side as he turns back to face the front.

I hand Vi a bag of skittles and leave the rest of the sweets for later, knowing my dad wouldn't want his while driving and I was more so in the mood of enjoying my company.


The sky has turned into hues of orange and pink, the cloudless sky a looking almost surreal, like a painting. I don't know how I haven't fallen into sleep yet, seeing as I'm exhausted . My entire body aches with lack of sleep, my head feels like it weighs a ton.

It's only been a few days away from civilization and I already feel like a lost cause.

We had stopped at an older home out in the middle of a field, it stretching outwards to an abundance of trees. It looked nice, peaceful and safe, until you got close. You notice small details, the boarded up windows, the scratches decorating the doors, the garbage flung about the yard. You see the remains of what was once a beautiful home.

The happy atmosphere of the car ride, seemed to be sucked back into the vortex of reality as we moped ourselves up the steps and onto the rustic, rickety porch.

Getting settled in this house was the same as the last, my dad went in first, got rid of whatever threats and told us what rooms we weren't allowed in.

I liked this house more so than the other one, though. It was not so much nice, but homey. Something a grandmother would own. There was several pictures of people across the walls, young and old; Some black and white. The carpets slightly smelling of mildew, the lavender coloured walls fading, a peach coloured coffee table sat smack in the middle of the room and a fireplace on the opposite side of the entry way.

Violet had lighten candles on the small coffee table, letting a small amount of light flicker amongst the shadows, causing me to feel an overwhelming feeling of calm. A trickle of lavender ever so slightly brushing against my nose, causing me to sneeze.

"Bless you." Max commented, his voice taking me by surprise as he came up behind me, sitting himself on the end of my sleeping bag. I scooted closer to him, letting my head droop to the side to rest against his.

"How you doing kiddo'?" My voice was tired, drowsy, as Max's arm brushed against my shoulder.
"I'm okay, I just really want to get somewhere normal again." I nodded, a ball forming in my throat that I attempted to swallow, hoping for the same.
"Yeah." My voice was barely audible.

"What was the zombie like?" His curiosity got the best of him as he sat back from me, eyebrows raised.
"You've seen them." I comment back, as I shrug.
"Yeah, but, you were so close, what was that like?" His mouth was slightly open, the candle light flickering a yellow hue across his darkened face.
"It was scary." I comment, his face pulled into a frown as I too became upset, my eyebrows drawing together. I look up from my lap and smile slightly at his concerned face.
"They smelt really bad too-" I giggle slightly,

"Like you." I finish. He rolls his eyes as his face pulls back into a grin, his hand smacking me in the leg as I jokingly shove him.

"Get some sleep you dork." He laughs, sticking his tongue at me before crawling across the carpet into his own sleeping bag. My lips pull back into a frown. I gaze back over to Violet, her eyes skimming through a book, her eyes tired. I lay on my back before rolling to my side, avoiding the light that was trying to peer over my shoulder, my fingers clutching the lining of my sleeping bag as I finally fell into a proper sleep.



This is a filler, I know, I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed anyhow.

Lots of love.

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