Chapter - 3 -

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I waited outside the gates of my brothers part of the school. Our school had two buildings, one was for elementary and the other was for high school students, like myself. It's so kids won't be as nervous to go into high school since most of their friends will be going to the same one.

It's a weird concept most states, or countries don't really use, but our town does for some reason. I don't get the big deal about starting over, sometimes I wish to start over, start fresh. Of course that's not a possibility though.

I caught the sight of my brothers brown fluffy hair and light blue jacket he slipped on this morning and called him over.

He pretended to ignore me as he nudged his friend, laughing at something he said.

"Max, let's go!" I yell, louder this time through the school gates, causing his head to snap in my direction, giving me a wave before looking back at his friend.

A headache creeped around my skull, pounding in the back of my head as I grind my teeth together in anger.

"Son of a-.." I mutter to myself, pushing open the old iron gates of his school with a creak, marching across the field which separated us.

Dew from the grass seeped into my cheap sneakers, wetting my socks making my anger increase as my feet squished with each step.

"Maxwell Shay!" I hiss, walking up to him and grabbing his arm. "I called you like, three times!"

"Twice actually." He said cockily as I groaned, and his friend snickered. "Get lost, brat." I sneer at his friend, Keith I think his name being.

My sweet, sweet, little brother grinned at me from ear to ear.

"Let's go." I mutter, dragging him across the field by his wrist.


"Franny, we're almost home, you can let go of my wrist."

I dropped his wrist with a sigh, as he rubbed his arm tossing an annoyed look in my direction.

"Are you on your period?"

"What?! No!" I growl out in disbelief, picking up my pace in walking.

"My health teacher said that when girls are on--"

"Shut up Maxwell." I mutter in a slightly amused, slightly pissed tone as we continued our way home.

We entered a silent house, Max kicking off his shoes and throwing his coat on the stairs as I hung mine on the hook.

"Jacket." I say in his direction as he lets out a groan, dragging his feet back over to the stairs and grabbing his coat with a huff before putting it on the hook beside mine.

"Do you have homework?" I ask softly, opening my bag and pulling out my Biology notes.

"Noo.." He looked at me with a smile, before flopping onto the couch.

"Are you really going to make me check your agenda?"

"Ugh. Fine. Could you toss me my bag?" He whined over to me as I grabbed his pale green backpack, chucking it at the couch.

I heard him complaining about homework as he shuffled through his bag.

After about half an hour or so, Max tossed his bag on the ground with a cheer, before flopping back down on our old brown couch as I continued to study.

"Shouldn't dad be home already?" He asked, flipping through the channels as the dim lighting of the television flickered on his face.

"In a bit, I'm sure."

He shuffled around on the couch before letting out a sigh of comfort as I shut my text book.

"I'm going to head up stairs, okay?" I stuff my books in my bag before tossing it into the closet as Max waves his hand at me in a 'go away' motion.

Just as I entered my room, the telephone let out a shrill ring, to my advantage there was a wall phone in my room. I grab it off the hook.


"Francis.. oh my god.. I.." It was Violet, her voice sounded strained and terrified, clearly shaken.

"Vi? Are you okay? Calm down." My voice came out stronger than I felt.

"No! I-I'm not okay. My mom.. oh god my mom." I hear a sob and her voice crack.

"Violet, calm down. What about your mom?"

Silence filled the phone call, I could only hear was her panicked breath and shaky sighs.

"..She's dead. I-I-I killed her Francis! I shot her and I-.."

"You did what?"

"She had the disease.. I-I shot her.. I shot my mom."

Violet had no dad, he left them when she was little. Her mom was the closest person to her.

"Mom.." she sobbed to me over the phone as I interrupted her.

"Vi, listen to me." I heard her muffle a reply of agreement.

"You're going to grab some of your stuff and use your moms car to drive over here, okay?"

Her let out a shaky breath of tears.

"It hurts Franny." I winced and shut my eyes tight in frustration and to block tears.

"I know Violet but you got to, okay?"


The line went dead.


She arrived at my doorstep an hour later, her eyes puffy as she let out harsh, pain filled breaths, falling into my arms with a sob as soon as I opened the door, her blonde hair tickling my nose.

I got Max to take Violets things up stairs, as I told her she can sleep in my bed for the night.

It was only six in the evening, but she went to sleep anyway.

I decided not to tell my brother about Violets ordeal because I knew he'd panic, start crying and it'd just be a big mess.

My dad came home late. Max was asleep as well and Violets sobs finally quieted down.

It was eleven at night. I twirled a small tea spoon in my steaming hot herbal tea. Watching with hooded eyes as the brown coloured water became a swirl.

"Fran?" I looked up and over at my dad, a small fitted frown on my face that I've been wearing since Max went to bed.

"Violets upstairs sleeping." He nodded, and I refocused my eyes on my tea, bring the steaming cup to my lips and taking a gulp. Ignoring the scalding burn that slid down my throat.

My dad leans against the counter awkwardly, his face concerned.

"May I ask why?" I place my cup down and lay my palms flat against the table, shutting my eyes and letting out a breath.

I've been pondering my best friend's mothers death for hours.

Another infected person must have bitten her

Our state is infected.

"Violets mother is dead, Dad. She had Beutionus."

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