The Main

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You know how in every story the "main" girl has a best friend?

How the good girls best friend leaves her behind for popularity?

How she's always kept on the sidelines?

How she became a slut?

Yup well that so happened to be me. I was the 'main' girls best friend. I'm the girl that left her behind for popularity. I'm the girl who was always kept on the side lines. And I'm also the girl who became a slut. More specifically, I'm the Main girl now.

Why? Well first of all let me introduce myself. My names Nevayah, Nevayah Dianne.

Pronounced: Nev-A-uh

Girls envy me, Boys want me. Some hate me, some fear me, some use me, some need me.

No ones knows why I became this way. The reason behind it. People like me are automatically the bad guy. Why? Because we wear revealing clothes, because we're popular and wear heels, because we go from guy to guy to please ourselves.

What's so wrong about wearing clothes that show a little something here and there? Us girls shouldn't have to cover up because a group of perverted boys can't focus. People shouldn't tell us girls to cover up, instead you should be teaching boys control and that us girls are not sexual objects.

Is it wrong to be popular? To have a reputation? To make yourself known?To make something of yourself? All because a few popular jerks pick on some people doesn't mean that the rest of us are like that too.

Is it wrong to wear heels? Everyone wears sneakers, flats, sandals but when a girl wears heels with a pair of shorts and crop top it's automatically wrong. She's instantly labelled as whore or slut. Reality check, a girls appearance shouldn't and doesn't define who they are.

Is it wrong for a girl to pleasure themselves with a guy? To release sexual frustration? Sure we jump from guy to guy but at least we aren't knocking on your boyfriends door. We don't have a boyfriend therefore we aren't bound to anyone and not cheating on anyone at all.

For those girls who do take your man, they did you a favour. Your better off without that asshole anyways. Why be with a man who doesn't even respect and love you enough to stay committed to only you? It was bound to happen and better sooner than later.

But did anyone ever stop and think that maybe us popular's innocent and goody old best friend is not so innocent or goody. Or the people we pick on have done something worse to us considering the fact their being picked on? Maybe others do it for fun but me? I only finish what others have started.

Yes it's wrong and even though I do it myself sometimes I enjoy watching the people who hurt me get hurt themselves. The only difference is that I know when to stop. People always compare me to others but all because someone I know or am friends with does something doesn't mean I do it as well. Never compare me to anyone. I'm my own person.

All because we're 'sluts' or 'popular's' people automatically assume we're the bad guys. Seriously some people need a nice hard slap back to reality.

No ones innocent. No matter how good we are or how innocent we seem none of us are ever innocent. So don't ever judge a book by its cover and in my case a person by their appearance.

Copyright 2015©

By: ErumHussain

Any form of copyright is punishable by law!

Please don't steal or copy my work or idea's. I understand that some readers get inspired by reading a book but copying the writers work? That's not cool, it's horrible. Your just insulting yourself considering the fact you can't come up with your own ideas and had to copy someone else's.

P.S if you do by any chance copy or steal my work; I will find you and personally make you write a 10 page essay, double sided and hand written on why it's not cool to copyright.

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