Love Conquers All: Roc Royal and YN Imagine

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-YN's P.O.V.-

I walked on the nearest beach closest to my hotel.
I knew it was like 12 at night but I didn't care. I needed time away from everything.

Austin. Layla.

I just needed to clear my mind for the night and the beach seemed like the place to do it.
I had been walking for at least an hour now and my feet were killing me.
I saw a couple of big boulders and walked over to them, sitting on the lowest one I could find.
I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried my eyes out.

How could he do this to me?
We were suppose to get married and...and he goes and does this..with my best friend.
More tears rushed down my face.

I looked up and stared at the sky.
Twinkling stars lit it up.
The view looked amazing over the cool ocean.

There was a slight breeze but nothing more.

The Bahamas.
The magical place everyone tells me about.
How everyone falls in love here. How everyone's dreams come true. 

I couldn't dare believe that.

I was suppose to get married here, in the Bahamas, but instead...I got cheated on by the one I loved.

The one I thought was my everyone.

He mean't everything to me.

I looked out at the ocean, watching the waves crash into the shore.

The blueness of the water sparkled, as the light from the moon and stars shone off of it.
That's what it seemed to be doing.


I put my head back down, covering up my whole face.

I wanted no one to see me this way.

-Roc's P.O.V.-

"Forget about her man. You don't need her."
I just rolled my eyes and turned my music back full blast and plugged my earphones in.
I didn't want to hear anything else about Kiloni.
I can't believe she would go and do some shit like that.

I laid back on bed, trying to clear my head, but with all the noise it wasn't happening.
I got up and slipped on my black and white combat boots, and left out the hotel room.
"Aye Roc. Where you going? It's like 12."
I headed out the hotel suite and to the elevator.
I needed to clear my mind, seriously.
I had finally reached the first floor and quickly walked the double doors, not wanting to attract any attention.
I ain't have no time for that.
I walked a cross the street to the beach.

I stopped and stared for a moment, taking in the view.


I looked up at the sky to see it full of stars.
The water sparkled under the moonlight.
It was as if the light was dancing on water, the way the breeze made the water move.
I walked down to the beach, slipping off my shoes, before stepping into the cool sand.

It felt amazing.
I loved the feeling of it going through my toes.
I began to walk and walk. Farther and farther down the beach.
I soon stopped and looked at the time on my phone.
I shrugged and kept walking until my feet her killing me.
I sat down in the sand and stared at the ocean, thinking.

Why would she do this?
What did I do to hurt her?
I loved her...

I guess love never really existed in my book. I've never really settled down with the right girl.
I would love find the right girl for me but it's just hard, especially when your famous.

-YN's P.O.V.-
I got off of the rock and just stood on the ground.
Where was I going to go now?
There was no way I was going back to the hotel.
I started to walk my way back from where I came.
I looked out into the ocean once again, my mind wondering elsewhere.

I didn't even realize where I was headed, until I tripped over something.

Me:Shit! What the fuck? Can you watch where you're going.?
"Shouldn't I be saying that to the person who ran into me.?"
I looked up to see a boy, standing above me, his hand held out.

I took it gratefully and he pulled me up.


Me: Sorry. I didn't know.
He smiled.
"It's cool. I shouldn't have been sitting out here anyway."

Me: Why were you sitting out here anyway?
"You don't want to know."
Me: I wouldn't be asking if i didn't."
"Well if you must know, I was just out here..watching the sky.. the stars..and thinking to myself. What about you?"
Me: Same.
He nodded his head and looked out at the ocean.
I took this time to examine him. 
He was very well built with light skin. He had super plump lips and a beautiful smile. His light brown eyes twinkled under the moonlight.

In other words..he was gorgeous.

Me: I should get going.

He nodded once again.

I turned and walked away from him. I stopped when I heard him call after me.
I turned around to see him jog over.
"I didn't catch your name."

Me: I didn't know you were suppose to.
I smiled at him, causing him to return it.

Me: It's YN.
"Nice. Well YN, I'm Roc."
Me: It was nice to meet you.
"You too."
We both stood there, a moment of silence.

I don't know why but, I felt some sort of way around him.
A total stranger.
I felt like I was...falling for him.

Me: So..

Me: Bye, Roc.

I turned around and walked away, butterflies filling my stomach.

I felt like my spirits were lifted and I could now actually communicate with people.

I think I have just made a best friend.

-Roc's P.O.V.-
I watched her walk away from me.
I smiled at the thought of her name running through my head.

I didn't know what I was feeling but when we made me feel..alive.
It made me feel..loved.

This was the first time I've ever felt loved, well besides my mom..but still.

She's different from all the other girls.

She seems..special.



I like that about her.

I don't know what it was.

Her smile or the way she talks....but I think I'm falling for her.

~The Next Day~

-YN's P.O.V.-

I woke up in this cheap hotel.
I sat up in bed a crook in the side of neck. 
It hurt like hell.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the handles of the shower.


I groaned, very irritated.

I was in this cheap hotel with no water, while my ex-fiancee was laid at one of the most expensive hotels in the Bahamas, probably with Layla.

It angered me to even think about it.

I walked out the bathroom and grabbed my shoes, slipping them on.
I walked out of the hotel room, not even bothering to close the door, or pay for my stay.

Not with the poor quality I got.
They weren't getting a penny from the this pocket.

-Roc's P.O.V.-
I stared up at the ceiling, thinking about YN.
I couldn't get her out of my mind.
I thought about her curvy body.
The way her stomach was so slim and then she just went curvy at the hips and thighs.
Like a coca-cola bottle.
She had a beautiful face and body but I wanted to get to know her on the inside.
What was YN like?
How was she feeling?
She looked upset last night..
What was her sign?
Favorite color? Food? Place to go?

I wanted to know all of these things about her.
I got up out of bed, still in my night clothes.
Tank top, gray sweats, and Nike socks.
Fuck it.
I put on a hoodie,some gray jordans and left out the hotel suite.

Today was the day I would get to know her and possibly, sooner or later, make her mine.

-YN's P.O.V.-
I walked down the sidewalk, watching all of the people past by.

Couples and Singles.
Friends and Loner.

I was no longer in a relationship so..I'm single.
No longer had a best friend...loner. 

I so longed for love.
I needed it.
I've never had it, but being with Austin made me feel a sort of way...but then he ruined it.

But...then I met Roc.
He seemed so sweet..kind..gentle.
He seemed the type to care for a girl, instead of hurting her.
He seemed different from other guys.

I smiled at the thought of him.

"Hey, YN!"

I turned around to see him heading my way. He looked really good. I tried to keep myself from blushing to hard. Epic fail. At least I managed to not smile so big.

Me: Hey.
Me: N-nothing.

Shit. Why was I stuttering. I was making it so obvious that he made me nervous.

"You okay."
I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, so I shook my head "yes" instead.

Falling in Love can have that effect on you.
"So, you want to hang out?"

I nodded my head "yes".
He smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me to a car.

I felt my palms getting sweaty.

Keep calm YN. Keep calm and....and..

My thought faded when I caught him staring at me.

He smiled at me and we got inside the car, closing the door behind us.

I felt the car move forward.

It was fairly silent until he spoke up.

"So, tell me about yourself."
Me: What do you want to know?
"Things about you."How do you feel?"
I looked over at him.

Me: What?

"How do you feel? What are you feeling?"

I turned and looked back out the window. How do I feel?

I felt someone stabbed a knife through my heart and twisted it.
I feel...
Me: Alone.
I felt his eyes on me.


A few tears escaped my eyes.

I shook my head "no" and continued to stare out the window.

I felt movement in the car and soon breathing down my neck.

I turned to see him.

We were face to face.
Our lips centimeters away from each other.

He touched my face, gently, and wiped my tears away.

"I would never make you feel alone."

His breath was minty.
It sent chills down my spine.

I moved towards, and he did the same.

Our lips met and to be was amazing.

He deepened our kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist.

He kissed with so much...passion.

He licked the outside of my lips, begging for entrance.

I let him in and sparks flew.

No joke.

It was as if he were making love to my mouth.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him on top of me, as I laid back on the seat.
They had a make-out session and that's it. Nothing more.
-Roc's P.O.V.-
I had brought YN back to my room. No one was here so we decided to chill and watch some movies.
I put in The Ring, since she said she enjoyed old movies.
We sat on the couch together. She had a bowl of popcorn in her hand. I reached over to grab some but she slapped my hand away.
"You're not even going to ask for any?"
I asked her for some and she gave it to me, smiling.

We were about half into the movie and YN was all up on me. It felt nice, and it was funny. She was scared out of mind.
I laughed out loud, not trying to on purpose.
"What's so funny?"
Me: You.
Me: Your facial expressions. They're priceless.
I mimicked her facial expressions and busted out laughing in the end.
She grabbed a pillow and hit me with it.
Me: Ow! 
I rubbed my arm like it actually hurt.
"I do not look like that."
Me: You do if i say it.
She hit me again.
Me: Hit me again and see what happened.
She looked like she was thinking and then she whacked me again.

I grabbed the pillow and threw it across the room and tackled her to the ground.
I was tickling her.
Her laugh was so cute. Adorable.
Almost like a child's.
" Stop! (laughs) I can't (laughs) breathe! (laughs)"
I pinned her down, her arms above her head, and stared into her eyes.

Nothing else even mattered at the moment besides us.

I inched my lips to hers until our lips crashed together.
It was like chemistry.
Sparks was flying.
I got off of her, without breaking the kiss and picked her up.
She wrapped her legs around me and I took her into the room, closing the door behind me.

I laid her down on the bed and climbed on top of her, planting kisses all over her body.
I began to kiss her on her neck, making her moan.
She pulled off her and and I pulled off mine.
I wanted to take this real slow.
She reached for my zipper but I stopped her.
I kissed her lips, going down to her stomach and then pass her navel.
I pulled off her shorts and kissed her inner thighs.
She let out a moan.
I traced the outside of her panties, which were hella wet.
I removed them and threw 'em across the room.
I licked all around her clit and then stuck my tongue in her. I flicked it in and out. In and out. I then circled it and started to suck on her clit.

Her moans filled the room as I fingered her faster and faster.

Her legs began to shake and then she came.
I licked up all her cum and kissed my way back up to her neck.

I looked at her to see her breathing heavily.
She reached for my zipper and this time....I let her.

Me: You ready?
She nodded her head at me.

I pulled out my "buddy" and entered her, gently.
I went slow at first, teasing her.
" Faster."
I started to pick up speed but that didn't seem to be enough.
I smirked and pushed all of me in her.
I rammed inside of her, making the headboard shake and hit the wall.
"Yes! Oh my...yes!"
Me: What's my name?

Me: Nahh. What's my name, girl?


I rammed inside of her, going faster.
She was clawing up my back.

-YN's P.O.V.-
We laid there together, under the sheets, cuddled up.

I can't..even I'm feeling.

I feel....amazing.


I looked up at him and he smiled at me.

I climbed on top of him and laid my head on his chest. 
I just wanted to hear is heart-beat.


Me: Yes?

"I.. I love you. I'm in love with you. I feel that your all I need. Your all I ever needed and I want to be with you. I want to be the dude that holds you at night when your cold and lonely. The dude to make you laugh when your down. The one to make you smile when your crying. I love you YN and I want you to know that."

I was be honest.

I felt the tears falling, but he caught them, and wiped them away.

I smiled at him.

Me: I love you too Roc and I'll never stop.

I leaned down and kissed him on his lips.

My life finally felt.....completed.

-The End-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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