*Chapter 1-Shay's Dream*

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**Colettes POV***
"Shay!! It's 4am on a school morning! What is so important!"
I say, popping on my red glasses and turning on the lamp, at least trying not to wake baby Dax. He is such a big boy we were going buy him a big boy bed earlier yesterday, but we decided not to.
"Babe, I had an amazing dream!"
"Whoa, before we go on, did you have a dream about you being a body builder again?"
Shay chuckles and digs me in my arm.
"No babe, I had a dream abou-----"
There goes Daxton. Crying again.
"Listen, I'm sure it weren't that important, tell me in the morning, I'm just going into the kitchen to get the baby some milk." I say, almost half asleep.
I put Dax back in his crib, after he stops guzzling on his warm milk. I lay him as his little eyelids close over his bouncing blue eyes. Shay lay there on his phone grinning and looking through his Instagram feed.
I turn off the lamp, take my glasses off and fall asleep. Shay follows and puts his arm around me. Before I know it, the alarm goes. It's 6am already?
Shay wakes up a few minutes after I hop into the shower.
"Hey babe?" Shay shouts from the bedroom, holding Daxton in his arms, I reply,
"One second honey!" I wonder what his dream was about?

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