chapter 4

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Hi guys hope all you beautiful people are well ? . I have a few things to say first and foremost I'd like to apologize for not updating in so long .I forgot my password and stuff like that but I remembered it (finally) .Secondly people are complaining about my grammar and spelling mistakes .I'm sorry but I did state clearly that it was unedited at the start of the book .my main aim is to just update asap so I never really bother to correct the mistakes .its very unprofessional of me but I clearly did warn you all at the start.

OK think I covered everything I needed to say . as per usual vote , comment and follow me .

Have an amazing day guys

Naomie aka the author thats to lazy to edit lol x


Tris P.O.V


" finally when all steps of the procedure are completed ignite the vehicle " i read the last line of the book " Anderson German vehicles volume 3" .

i looked over at my clock which read 3 a.m . i closed the book shut and stretched out my arms .
I had been studying up on a few procedures on how I'll fix that prick a.k.a Zayn Knights car since I got off work. I'm so excited who would've taught that I would ever get a chance to handle a custom made Anderson German car .

I yawned as I pushed myself off my little second hand couch and made my way towards the bathroom .I stood in front of my sink and looked into the mirror that was hung on top of my sink. I sighed at my appearance .I looked a total mess . I had come in straight from work at the garage ,had a quick shower and started reading up on the books dads friend had given dad on Anderson Germany cars . I had managed to read 2 manuals and book volume 3. I still had a lot more reading to do . luckily nick had given me the weekend off to do as much reading as I possibly could so that I could get started on the car right away. Although I was working at the restaurant all weekend I could still squeeze in some reading through the day .

I grabbed my toothbrush put some toothpaste on the brush and began brushing my teeth .when I was done I wiped my mouth switched off the lights and made my way into bed . I said a quick prayer before I dozed off

*Sunday midday*

"So then using the half large ratchet I'll secure the Anti-lock barking system then check the ignition and voila" I said as I threw down my notepad on the table and grinned at myself .

I had told dad about having to fix the car. He was so excited for me that he made me promise to call him every day and recite what I had learned and how I planned on applying what I've learned to the car .

" make sure that you secure the anti lock correctly before doing anything else "  said dad

"Yes dad I kn-

" and oil the screws to make sure there not to rigid "

"OK da -

" another thing that you have to check is the ig-

"Ignition test dad I know" I interrupted his rant . this was typical dad he was such a perfectionist and always wanted things done his way .

He lightly laughed before replying " sorry sweet pea I just want you to do a good job that's all"

"I know dad I get that but don't worry I really think I can do this I "

" I know you will I'm just making sure your procedure is good" dad explained

"I learned from you to be a perfectionist so of course my procedure is always pure perfection" I teased.

Dad laughed is weak laugh that turned into multiple harsh coughs

"DAD are you ok" I asked panicking a little bit

he continued to cough before finally he stopped and gained back his composure " of course I'm fine sweet pea just need to drink some water and I'll be fine.

"are you sure? have you been taking your medication"

"yes I have. you worry too much I'm perfectly fine" he reassured me.

I stayed quiet trying before sighing and saying " alright Delete repeated word but you know I only worry so much cause your all I've got "

" I know sweetie but honestly I'm much better now .I'm feeling much stronger these days promise"

"ok that's good then I'm happy to hear that from you old man" I teased

"old ?" dad questioned offensively

I laughed " yes old "

" I'm highly offended and on that note this old man will have to leave you to go take a nap " dad said as he yawned .

"alright oldie I'll talk to you later I'm gonna do some more reading before tomorrow "

" ok good luck tomorrow you'll do amazing"

"thanks dad love you"

" love you too sweet pea" and on that note I hung up the phone.

I got up from my cough and headed for the kitchen I was starving I had spent most of my day studying and taking notes that I had barely gotten a chance to eat anything. I looked through my cupboards nothing was tickling my fancy so i just went for a packet of Doritos. I sat down on my small couch as I ate. my phone beeped indicating I had a message . i picked it up and opened the text it was from nick it read " hey Tris change of plans concerning the germeny car .Mr Knight has moved the car to his house and requests that you until the car is fixed you will be working directly from his house while repairing the car here is the address "

WHAT!! why the hell would i have to work at from his home how ridiculous is that. like why? this Knight guy is just annoying . i sighed as i replied back to Nick confirming letting him know that that's fine but really it was not fine. i mean don't get me wrong i barely know this Zayn Knight or whatever he calls himself but he comes across as quite rude and egotistical . i just feel like we wont get on very well. although i don't like him i needed to focus on what was most important here .The money. I needed the money more than ever. with that ide in mind i picked up my notes and began studying again

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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