~~~~~ chapter 9 ~~~~~~~

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skylar drove me home latter that day but during breakfast he tol me how muche he likes me and how scared he was about what I would say. sat there speachless but then I was able to say ' I like you too a lot ' . He just smiled real big and huged me. He asked me out!! ovcors I said yes.

When I got home an turned on my laptop, pluged in my phone and whent to start my water for my shower . I whent back to my computer and logged onto facebook I went back into the bathroom and got my talow an wash clougt out . I cheched my Facebook quickly I had two friend thingeys one messeg and five worleds . I looked at the worled first game reqst, lily talking about yeastedday two posst on my wall about how happy they where to here about me getting my licens, the last on suprized me skylar sent me a relashenship thing and I comfrmed. I looked at my message all it was was my aunt say ing she was happy to hear I passed. the last was a friend thing it was only some kid from school . I was about to log off but then I got a nuther world thing skylar posted five pics with me in them on was when I fell asleep on his lap stratling also huging him at the same time the next on suprized me he got a pic of us kissing the one was me and jenna kissing brody on the cheack at the same time and one with us kissing skylar and then with jenna lily vanessa and me giving brody and skylar a lap dance . I liked them all. shut my computer and whent and got in the shower.

**45 min later****

I steped out of the shower. I opened the bath room door the steam rushed out . I was hit with the cool breiz in my room I didn't remember having my windo ....... there sat dakota sitting on my bad relaxed . All his feachers seemed come not stiff but then he saw I was standing there. His body tenced up he whent stiff .

" o umm....... katty I ..... Well.. umm Well I kinda need to talk to you ........ about Well us." He stutered .

" dakota there I no us " I said softly " you need to just give me space. "

" yes I know there's no us right now but...."

" NO dakota you don't understand there never will be an ' us ‛ there was never suposto be an us . EVERYONE knows that . the girl with the mest up family is not suposto date the cute jock . "

" Kat listen to me, don't listen to them other girls, and Kat you don't have a messed up family . "

" I don't have a messed up family! you what, met my mom twice she gose cyco about everything. My dad is never home . yea u might know tim but I have other family I bet you didn't know that I also have a sister she's 26 and lives in NY City . So yea that shows how much you know my family!!! " I yelled . I had terrs running down my face but the one thing that he didn't know was I HAD a little sister she died when she was 10years old . An the saddest part was today was her birthday she would have been 14 years old .

" Now get out of my room now!! " I screamed

In an instent he climbed out my window into his. I shut and locked my door and windo . I sudenly relized that I was in my tawel . I walked over to my dresser I grabed my straples black lace brale and matching under wear . I found my straples black sparkly mid thigh dress. I brushed my hair out and then blow dryed it . I walked down the steps and grabed my brothers keys to his old beat red mustang . I walked out the door silently on my way to the cematerey where she was bairyed . I bought a white rose and placed it on her grave . I was there for three hours crying one how much I missed her .

At the house I chenved into a pair of softy shorts and old shert. I walked out into the hall way I whent one door down from mine I slowly opened it . The last time I was in here was about a month ago when I fond out my older brother was in a fight I sat by her bed that night I found out about my brother and cryed . but today I whent in there found all her stuff the wat she left it that day. the first thing I saw was a photo albome in the middle of the floor. some one was in here befor .

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