Story 27 He's HOT H2oVanoss smut

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Vanoss Pov:
When I first meet my best friend Delirious I would have never thought he would look the way he did. He looked... He looked... HOT! Every time I see him I have an orgasm in my pants. I never though an ear piercing and lip piercing would drive me CRAZY! But it does.
"Hey, Evan," my roommate and crush said as he walked down the stairs with no shirt on, great!
"H...Hey, Jon" I stuttered.
"Are you alright dude?" Delirious asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder. No I'm in love with you!
"Yea I'm alright thanks," stupid, stupid,   Stupid, stupid, that was your opportunity!
"No your not Evan you know you can tell me anything right!" Jonathan said as I sighed.
"Fine as long as we will still be best friends!" I said as Jon nodded.
"Alright, Jon I'm gay, and I like you like  a lot," I said as I look at Delirious's facial expression then I looked down at the floor.
"Evan," Delirious whispered as I felt tears run down my face.
"Evan look at me!" Delirious said as I looked at him. When he started moving his hands towards my face I knew this was the end of our friendship. I closed my eyes and waited for the punches, and kicks but when I felt his hands on my cheeks whipping away the tears away I was shocked and opened my eyes.
"Why didn't you hit me?" I asked.
"Because of this," I wonder what he's... That's when I felt his sweet like candy lips on mine. I was shocked at first but then I melted into the kiss As our lips moved in a passionate tango. As we pulled away for air I noticed I was backed up into a wall and my hands were on his nice firm six pack as his were under my shirt. Ounce I got my breath back I wanted more I wanted so much more I wanna taste him and to let him know I'm gonna tease him. I then slammed my lips onto his kissing him harder than before. Ugh I just wanna... You know what fuck it! I then grabbed Jon's shoulders and swapped places with him so he was up against the wall this time. Then I bit his lip piercing and pulled.
"Hu!" he gasped as I slid my tung into him mouth. As we fought for dominance he was loosing big time just like on GTA 5 arm wrestling. But then he grabbed my ass and I let him win. Then he tapped my ass an said.
"Jump," ounce I herd him say that i jumped up and was placed on his counter.
"I wanna do it here," he gasped as I latched my lips on his neck searching for his sweet spot. When I herd him say that I stopped and whispered into his ear.
"Fuck me hard right here right now," then I went back to his neck messing with his ear piercing ounce in a while. Then he ripped my shirt off and laid me down on the counter knocking down anything in his way. He then placed his hand on my growing erection causing friction.
"Ugh Jonathan I need you, I need you now!" I demanded as I grabbed at his pajama pants wanting them off so desperately. As he slowly pulled them revealing his sweet v-line I felt my pajama pants becoming tighter and constricting. Then I grabbed him by the elastic top of his boxers and pulled him to me and whispered into his ear.
"If you don't stop teasing I will fucking put on my clothes and walk away right now," ounce I said that he ripped off the rest of our clothes.
"Let me go grab my lube," he said as I sat up and grabbed his arm lust still in my eyes.
"I'll be your lube," I replied as got off the counter and placed Jon there. Then I licked his tip lightly a few times then deep throated him.
"Ugh Evan I...if you don't stop I won't be able to handle myself!" Jonathan moaned as I stopped sucking him off and switched places again me sitting on the counter and Delirious standing.
"You ready baby," he whispered in my ear as I nodded as he lined up with my hole and smashed his lips on mine. Ounce he started moving I automatically felt pain. (Pain with out love pain I can't get enough pain I like it rough cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all no ok) ounce he was fully in he let me get use to the feeling.
"M...move" I said as he started out slow. Finally the pain went away.
"Go faster I like it rough especially from you," I whispered as he quickened his pace as I raked my nails down his back. We were both a moaning mess.
"Ugh Evan your so tight!" delirious moaned.
"Jon stop I wanna try something," I said as he pulled out.
"Sit down," I said as he sat down on the counter as I swung my leg around him and sat down on his dick. I then started bouncing up and down as I played with his lip ring.
"Ugh you really love my lip ring," delirious moaned.
"It's a major turn on JONATHAN!" I screamed as he hit my G spot. As he kept hitting that spot I felt my stomic tighten.
"Jon I'm gonna cum!" I yelled
"Ugh me too!" He replied.
"JONATHAN!!" I screamed as I cummed all over our chests.
"EVAN!!" Jon yelled as he cummed inside of me.
"I love you Evan," Jonathan said as he brought me to the couch and laid us down.
"I love you too Jonathan," I said as I drifted off to sleep.
So what did you guys think was it better than all the outer smuts I did I hope so anyways I hope you enjoyed

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