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-AUTHORS NOTE: I suggest imagining the characters and such in an anime/manga style, it may help you "visualize" the story better-

"I mean, c'mon, are you SERIOUSLY asking me that? Like, who does that? I almost threw my tray in his face!" I mmhear the Queen Bees gossip about their latest encounters with the people on my social level. In fact, the question she was probably asked was "Is there any fruit left?" or "I'm new here, where do I put my tray away?" But of course, any of the "common" rabble are automatically out to get her. They burst out in laughter and skip off campus.

"Lux? Yoo-Hoo? Wake up!" My friend whom prefers to be called Raven waves her hand in my face to catch my attention.

"Yeah! Yeah, sorry, got stuck in my own head again." She raises an eyebrow skeptically and snickers.

"You've been doing that a lot." She gasps like she got an idea. Oh god... "Did you meet a guy??"

"Eh- No! Is that all you think about, shipping me with any guy you see me speak to?"

She shrugs, "It's my life's calling! Anywho, let's go get coffee, I need energy."

"You always need coffee..." I mutter under my breath. She grabs my forearm and drags me to the Sammi's, the only coffee shop in town. Imagine a rustic version of New York, then split the size of it in half... about 5 times. then split that in half again. that's the size of where I live. However, I digress. Raven gets her coffee and I get my tea, but  there's a cold wind that flies behind me once we go outside. I turn around and see nothing but my own shadow.

"Lux? You good?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. Look, I'm not feeling great, we'll talk tomorrow, 'kay?"

She nods. "Yeah, sure... Text me, okay?"

"You got it." And with that, we split up to go home.        

****** ****** ******

Okay, so when I say I'm "going home", I sometimes mean that I go home, drop my stuff off, deal with any homework, then walk around until I feel like going back (usually around midnight or so). The spotlights in the streets would flicker if they weren't broken already. The only noises were the chirps of crickets and my own footsteps. And the occasional brawl noise or two beside bars.

"Creep! You think you can talk to us like that! You don't speak unless spoken to!" I hear among the throw of punches in an alleyway. At this moment, my legs took over my brain and it decided that we were going to see what on Earth was happening. A boy my age was standing in the center of five men in a circle, surrounding him, all of which had a hood so I couldn't see their faces and were too tall for me to see the boy's face entirely.

Are we going Super mode? We're doing this? I pull out my phone and begin dialing the police, but not pressing call. Yup, this is happening. I take a deep breath and walk into the alleyway.

"Hey! How 'bout you leave before I call the cops and you end up in prison for, I'm sure, a lot of stuff."

One of them, who I assume is the boss, smirks. "Oh yeah girlie? We'll get you before you can even start dialing!"

I hold up my phone with my finger close to the call button. "The number's already dialed, all I have to do is press this green button and the police at the station just a block away will come right over here and you get to be behind bars. Now I'll say this again. How 'bout you go now."

They almost start shaking and run off, dropping any knives that may be drawn. The boy falls to his knees and I rush over to him.

"Hey, hey. Are you alright?" His hair is black with a blue tint to it and pale skin to go with it. His eyes glance over to me and they're blue.. green.. brown... red? They were constantly switching from color to color in an instance. He lifts a hand towards me and I stiffen. "Yeah.. I'm Lux, who are you?" He doesn't answer and his hand drifts closer to my cheek. As his hands touches my cheek, strange emotions and memories flow through me.

His memories.

A couple's corpses lay on concrete, burning with blue fire. A child standing, staring at his ash covered hands. A hooded figure holding the boy's shoulder, the boy in chains, buildings burning blue, sadness, anger, pain, guilt.

It's almost too much to handle. The images fade and I see the boy again, taking his hand away from my cheek.

"Ember. That's the name I chose. Ember." He smiles at me.

"Well Ember," I stand up and offer my hand to help him up. "You already know my name, but you seem tired. Should I call the cops??"

"No, I'm fine, I'll be fine, don't waste your time with me." He says, which actually hurt to hear.

"Well, unlike most people, I won't just leave a wounded kid alone. You can stay at my house if you need. My dad's been out of town for months, and quite honestly, I doubt he's coming back." He stares at me smiling, but his ever-changing eyes were full of sadness.

"Yeah... Okay." He tries to stand but his knees buckle under him.

"Oh! Yeah, hold on" I put his arm on my shoulder so he can stand a bit, and we go towards my house.

"Hey, quick question, Lux." "Hmm?" "You've just met me, and yet, you're openly letting me come to your house. Why?"

"I like to think that sad people... People who have suffered, wouldn't want to hurt people the way they were. I mean, maybe I'm naive, but I like to trust people, though most people I scare away. If it's question time, why were those guys beating on you?"

He sighs. "Well, that would be a case of I said the wrong thing at the wrong time. As in, they asked a dumb, rhetorical question, which I decided to answer with a sarcastic, witty answer. And you can imagine what happened next, you were there for most of it." We both chuckle a bit and I see my house, but I don't mention anything.

"Uh, another thing." "Yeah?" "How did you... do the memory thing? And your eyes, what's with that?"

"The eyes- born with it, no clue, I'm just weird like that. As for the memory thing, I don't think I did anything. Maybe it's just something in the air 'round here." I nod.

"Yeah, OK. Anyway, this is me. Think you can stand by yourself while I unlock the door?"  "Yeah, probably."

I twist my keys in the lock, opening the almost Sherlock Holmes style interior. "Wow... Very..." "Yeah, my dad's kinda obsessed with old literature, so this is what I get. Anyway, I'll show you to the guestroom."

We walk up the stairs and I point down the hall, showing him the bathroom, study and his room. "And my room's just across the hall, got it?" He nods. "Hey, thanks, Lux." I smile.

"Well, g'night, Ember." "'Night." We go into our separate rooms, closing the doors almost in sync and I practically fall on my bed.

Great, I have a roommate now. I take off my shoes and curl up under the covers. Not even going to bother getting in my bed clothes. Just sleep... Count sheep... One, two, five- Wait, that's not right.

I sigh and put my headphones in to listen to anything soothing (meaning My Chem and stuff like Amaranth).

Good night, Ember...

-Look! it's a chapter! how strange to see on this account! Anyway, i hope you like! Feel free to message me for anything or whatever, bye! ~RabbidKat-

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