Chapter 2

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               I looked around my room, checking for anything that I should bring with me during the trip, so far I had all of the stuffs that is necessary. I had Riptide, all the clothes that I own (which is not much)in case, you never know what will happen to you once you know you are a demigod.

---------------------20 minutes was skipped----------------------------------------

                I met with Annabeth and Grover outside after I'm done, just the three of us, just like old times.

                Chiron stood there, leaning against the pine tree ( the sight was pretty weird, since he had four legs) that once was Thalia, the daughter of Zeus, my friend, and a Huntress of Artemis.

               "Before you go, I want to give you some information, don't lose it, it's a one treasure, got it from my brothers, don't know where they got it " he handed us an ancient paper and headed back to the Big House.

                "Best of luck!"he called back.

                We each took turn to look over the paper. It looked like this:

       Things You Need To Know

- School was tough. There was coursework to hand in, exams to pass, giant three-headed dogs called Fluffy to avoid...

( "School always is tough!" I muttered under my breath )

-It took ages to get to school. You had to get to King's Cross Station in London, run through a brick wall and catch a train at platform 9 3/4. Of course, you could have just got the Knight Bus. 

( " through a brick wall?" I wondered out loud and shrugged, "It's magic, who knows?")

-Nits were widespread, particularly in first year. Whose stupid idea was it to put the same hat on every pupil in the entire year?! 

(Grover and I laughed so hard that we might doubled over while Annabeth said "ewww!" and looked at us like we are crazy, which is true )

-When that hat did go on your head, all you could think was: 'Please, not Slytherin... please, not Slytherin... please, not Slytherin'. 

         ( What or who is Slytherin? I thought)

-The corporal punishment. There are some schools where pain wasn't dished out as part of the disciplinary process, but Hogwarts wasn't one of them, particularly if one of the teaching staff took Umbridge at your insolence. Writing lines on a blackboard can be tedious... having them etched into your hand was just terrifying. You decided you really must not tell lies.

( Annabeth gasped at that,"What horrible teacher will do that to her students!" .

"Mrs. Dodds" Grover and I answered)

-Games in the common room were quite serious. Defeat in chess in the Muggle world meant you lost your temper – at Hogwarts it meant you lost your head.

(Grover gulped)

-There was an awful lot of talk about somebody called 'You-Know-Who'. And if you didn't know who You-Know-Who was, you just weren't cool.

("Did this mean that we aren't cool? Did this paper just insult us?"Grover smirked)

-Simple things like walking up the stairs to get to class were almost impossible.

("Are you serious? Then how we are suppose to get to class?" Annabeth wondered, "Fly?")

-The guy with glasses was popular, like super popular!

("Anyone here wear glasses?" Grover asked)


                        Annabeth snatched the paper away from us while we complained,"Hey!"

                       "It's just make me more confused the more we read!" Annabeth stomped her foot in frustration.

                  "It's a VERY rare event to see smart girl get confuse!" I taunted, "Rare event, rare event,..."

                 Annabeth looked like she might exploded,"Will you stop, SEAWEEDBRAIN!"

                 Grover and I snickered, "FYI, my brain really is made out of seaweed so I can't process what you are saying."

               We laughed even louder.

              Annabeth just huffed and shook her head.

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